I’m not sure what you didn’t understand. Had Trump rebuilt their infrastructure in the day following the hurricane those people, who are included in the 3k, maybe wouldn’t have died.
I’m not sure what you didn’t understand. Had Trump rebuilt their infrastructure in the day following the hurricane those people, who are included in the 3k, maybe wouldn’t have died.
Nah... still don’t understand why people use that word. Regardless, you all can believe what you wish but there is a lot more to the PR situation than most, including those on the right, understand.
This is the study that claims Drumpfy is responsible for six million deaths in Puerto Rico.
Well, I tried to help you all but you are refusing to accept some pretty basic information.
People died because first responders couldn’t respond due to the complete failure of their infrastructure - something that was years in the making.
Brandzino - Please scroll down to view my response to Dr. Admiral on this very topic, or click the following link: https://splinternews.com/1829030403
Yes, they are. And they describe it in their methodology:
How can you tell?
It’s just funny that the title has to be as vague as possible so that the idea commands some kind of relevance. Also funny when leftists pretend to care about government employees using government funds. Maybe we have more in common than we think!
This is a picture of supplies sent by the federal government to Puerto Rico.
It is. They are including all deaths within a certain timeframe. Most have nothing to do with the hurricane. This isn’t rocket science. The number went from 64 to 3k overnight.
Being investigated for... using cars... to drive. lol
The virgin angle he played was brilliant. He was already a nice guy with a baby face, but he really secured his role as the next Bachelor with the “I’m kind of embarrassed but not really that I’m well a virgin” line. He new he could sell that V Card to the series as a unique characteristic nobody else had, and…
The problem with libertarianism is that the laissez faire approach invites abuse and encroachment from parties that are against liberty and mean to impose their will and ideals. Islam would be a good example. There is no “live and let live” in that theocracy.
Rand Paul is a man of principle. Regardless of Trump’s domination during the debates, Rand understands that Trump is furthering the America First agenda, something he and his father have long promoted.
I’ve never understood the fascination with conversing only with others that share the same opinion. Seems cowardly.
God, you are so boring.
The predatory lender is the government itself.
If you aren’t careful, you will turn that now-meaningless word into a compliment.