
remember everyone who writes for this website is like, 23

I’m sure John Woo does think Trump has gone too far.

Why would you embed a video that doesn’t actually have the audio in it? Try again please.

So, we have to support this “President” because we have to protect our borders, because drugs...mainly Opioids.. are an epidemic and killing Americans at record rates....

Exactly, but you can lure him and his cabinet into a screening of a popular children’s film, lock all of the doors and then light the room on fire. It’d be so easy I can’t believe no one is doing this.

You should probably be getting an Uber to the nearest physician, not home, if your menstrual cramps are “crippling”.

I now have a massive hematoma on my forehead from banging my head against a wall.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Is anybody else worried that eventually, this wall is going to be used to keep us here?

We do think so, but I’m glad to hear Philly isn’t alone. And we’re stuck with the Dear Leader for a few days. Will be joining at least one protest this week. <3

I feel similarly! The more I see about this administration, the more I wonder whether I’ve missed my life’s calling as a troll. I’m considering getting a tweet account just so I can post that Batman bitchslap meme every time he says something.

I don’t fully support the picture.

Organize my people? As though as a white woman, all other white women are my people? Not only is that statement is not in any way helpful to the progressive cause (as white women are not given magical powers to convince the worst of white society to change their minds), it also serves to create a false division

I just had a rum drink while on DayQuil. It’s...effective.

I’m not sure what you mean. I’m just saying Trump doesn’t strike me as a trickle-down conservative so no reason for him to support this. Trump is not as conservative on economic issues as other Republicans so he knows repealing the ACA will make a huge mess and the fact that the press won’t report on all the poor

You’ll get a star even though your whole response has a stream of consciousness vibe. It leaves me warm at first, then chilled.

I see what you did there, but not sure if intentional. It’s golden though.

I think Trump knows that his base doesn’t really want an end to the ACA so he’ll make a huge splash by vetoing the repeal. Trump has a golden opportunity here to stand up to Congress and he bladder take it.

Does this include NBA players? I feel like if you are 7 damn feet tall you can get away with more than 3 buttons...