
Holy Christmas. I have a cat who is totally my best friend. We’ve been together for over 10 years; he saw me through a serious illness, a divorce, and a few moves. No joke that this kitty is my ride-or-die. We have traveled on airplanes together a dozen times and he’s chill.

Let somebody try to tell me to put MY BABY

THANK YOU. Aside from the blatant inaccuracy of calling these activists “white kids” (and, yes, I see the P.S. that was added by the author and am not impressed—do better, Root), it’s worth acknowledging that these are teens. They are waking up to what life is like, what privilege means, and they are doing it

Counterpoint: Stick to one issue at a time. If you try to attach Michael’s laundry list of wishes to your goal, you’ll accomplish nothing and the odds of you accomplishing anything are pretty thin to start with.

Here is where I’ll probably get flamed, but there were so many aspects of her story that sounded unrealistically entitled and just, frankly, willfully unaware. Grace describes going BACK to this man who had just gone down to her, and FULLY NAKED, “...sat down on the floor next to Ansari, who sat on the couch, she

You’re not outraged enough at having read this slanted piece that was written solely to provoke outrage!

I have a friend who will foster high risk dogs for me (large adults dogs who are less popular breeds, often not house trained and not yet having good indoor manners). He’s wonderful with them, gets them socialized, trained, and happily secure and then we send them to a forever home. He often has the dogs for several

I would not! Thanks for asking.

JEnnifer Garner is Maureen Ponderosa?

she “dyed my hair blue. Mom wasn’t a fan of this decision. She took one look at me and immediately went out to the nearest drugstore to buy a $10 box of Nice’n Easy. That night, she forced me to dye my hair back to blond.”

Let’s just talk logistics: there is zero way a teenager with a box of Nice & Easy dye could go from blue to blonde, especially with fresh blue dye. Zero. Zip. Not happening. Anyone who has ever dyed their hair ever would know this.

NOOOOOOOOOOO these scare me so much every year and I read all of them!

You mean like 8 mile?

This is such lazy BS. How about you do some actual research and find out yourself if there is any veracity to the rumors, and then report? You’re supposed to be a journalist, right? Or is this how it works now - just put out a casting call for rumormongers, collect some page views, then spread more rumors collected

Continuing to double down on this story when there is absolutely no evidence to support the allegations is irresponsible journalism. Until you guys get some sort of reliable evidence, you should really just keep your mouths shut.


Gossip Girl was great thanks to Leighton Meester.

Why is your definition the correct one? No one is comparing transpeople being MURDERED to dog attacks (btw dogs kill, they don’t murder dipshit). We are seeing an uptick in violence in a community of extremely vulnerable people and you want to argue whether this word choice is appropriate? We can see you and you’re

Do you know what “per capita” is?

I actively want to fuck Paul Ryan. I’m gross. I don’t care.

The saddest part is that they think they’re smarter than the rest of us.