
Myles  Turner is also looking butt. Right after a big contract 

It’s fascinating to watch this develop in real time, as key figuresrealize they’ve fucked up once the public weighs in, changing the course of decisions that were widely announced just earlier in the week. It makes you wonder if this had happened in a different time (pre internet), would the world just have accepted

I liked the talk about the alleged rally killing home run. I agree with Drew and David that homers are far preferable and these takes are dumb.... *however* there was just one kindof argument that I thought of that wasn’t mentioned: if a sequence of base hits keeps runners on base at all times, then the pitcher could

I keep waiting for all the angrytakes that will probably come about this: the bat flip, the awesome trot around the bases, the ripping off of his shirt. Basically everything that made this scene amazing, will all piss so many people off. I would love if this scene is a sign of what we eventually are seeing baseball

+1 💀 for this burn

Hey all... The way Donald Trump and his administration acts and how the NFL (and the NCAA for that matter) acts is a parallel that I’ve thought a lot about since the start of the administration. I feel like there's so much in terms of anti-truth, posturing, macho culture, and just general disgusting power hungry,

This is perfect Father’s Day kinja


Can you consider this really team building... Given that there’s no possible way he himself, Paul George, stays in OKC ten months from now? (PG is already hilariously talking up the Thunder in order to propagate the myth that he could possibly not go to the Lakers in 2018) And the other “star” they brought in is a

Isn’t it a home run the moment it his the top of the wall the first time (since the top of the wall is above the yellow line)? Or do I misunderstand the yellow line?

Do y’all ever think that family tradition reasons and other social expected pressures keep you watching? I know people who probably use the watching of football to maintain some connection to their parents, co-workers, etc. I am lucky that isn’t something I grew up with but instead became a fan of by myself, and then


As a Pacers fan, too, I mean.

So much truth you’re speaking to my heart.

This is Bert. He has fluff.

God dammit, I really read this as Darren Rovell involved in street brawl at first

The split second during flight in that video was like a moment from a Stretch Armstrong feature film trailer.

Editor: agrees to be paid $15, multiple different times (it seems)

Commentator called it a “bush league move”? Wtf. When the media is in on the No Fun part of the no fun league, it’s never gonna change.

This reply made me laugh way harder than I expected to