
Awww the “These Warriors are fun and cute redemption tour” has already begun

Ehhh... It’s such a nice problem to have, being this awesome fun team with two future superstars and being 3-7. At least half the league’s teams would probably trade places with Minnesota right now, given the long term ceilings of this team and others.


This is a really fun comments section to read now.

So.... When you gonna pay your buddy the $10,000 he's out now, Ryan?

I read it as “bone” popped out at first for like ten seconds, and the more revealing part about what I expect from Deadspin is first I thought it meant a boner popped out of the uniform, and second I thought maybe a broken bone popped out.

Heck yeah. I live in Texas now but I'm down :-D

Marion, Indiana what whaaaatttt

+1 count of assault

Michael Jordan would have never done this.

A career much longer than expected, and we should all be happy to have enjoyed it for so many dominating years. Hopefully a few more to come.

The Ryan White AIDS story might be it for me, at least from what I can think right now. I was about 6 and he was from Kokomo, Indiana which was about 30 minutes from my town, Marion, so it was an even bigger story.