
“If you are using a smart phone to check your email or if you watched the Lebrun press conference on a tablet or smart tv you are just as guilty as they are of turning a blind eye for the sake of your own convenience and profit.”

This is such a tortuous pile of nonsense, false dichotomy BS. 

“You, yes, YOU, are EXACTLY

A good time to remember that Colin Kaepernick gave up his job and all the considerable perks that come with it to stand up against injustice, while LeBron James, whose legacy and bank account are both more secure, is unwilling to risk even a small fraction of future earnings to speak on one of the few world issues

Daryl Morey, notedly averse to information

Not to mention you don’t get fired for saying something unpopular -- I can tweet about how great Skyline chili is all day long and not get fired -- but for actual hateful shit that reflects poorly on your place of employment.

And none of what that clown says is remotely true. And again...for those in the back. Freedom of speech is freedom from government intervention and prosecution for protected speech (and not all speech is protected). Getting fired for exercising speech does not fall under any auspices of the First Amendment. This shit

“Although some people like to brag about America’s freedom of speech, there’s a lot of topics that are actually quite tightly censored – if you say one thing that goes against the politically correct line, you will immediately lose your job and be scorned by the entire population.” 

if you say one thing that goes against the politically correct line, you will immediately lose your job and be scorned by the entire population.

You’re telling me “Woj in the House” is not a family friendly sitcom on ABC’s TGIF, and I simply don’t believe you. 

I suppose the bright side is that she could have been soaked in much worse in the clubhouse in Oakland.

Yeah, this has a distinctly non-consensual feel to it. She is literally there as a requirement of her job. Kudos to her (i guess?) for being a good sport about it but it feels real yucky to watch the video of enormous men wearing face covering goggles drenching a single, totally unprotected woman with alcohol.

“And they’ve bought her 80 new suits” -The ball is curving back into play!

Reporters who go into celebrating locker rooms are the troops of media. Maybe there was a time when dumping a 30-racks worth of beer on the reporter was frowned upon, but the gates are open now. It’s not even catching shrapnel, you’ve got professional athletes drowning you in alcohol. You know what happens when you

Kinda feels like they’ve never seen a woman before. 

This does indeed suck for Lithuania, but good on FIBA for holding the officials accountable.

I’m not typically one to cast aspersions on people I don’t know, but if Dan Dakich’s family member is dealing with chronic work-related injuries, has earned $100 million in the last seven years, and has a degree in architectural design from Stanford, then he’s an idiot for continuing to show up every day at the steel

Those were the fantasy football fans.

I mean, I’m sure they *like* notaries. They fill an important role during the signing of contracts and the like. But I think that liking falls a like short of “hard on.”

Andrew Luck’s retirement will only increase the primal urgency of Football Men to find True Football Believers to play football, so that they don’t ever question their faith in it.