
Because you may actually want to fight a war where the Earth still exists when it’s over. What are you, twelve years old?

“ it is not up against anything right now. Of course its going to be the highest rated.”

Good for you. For those of us who have to pull 4K video down over a 10G network, it shouldn’t be such a clusterfuck on a $1,500 fucking laptop to connect an adaptor that worked with the laptop’s bloody fucking predecessor.

put down the brandy snifter of your own farts, and just enjoy things.

And it’s at the widest part of the river, thusly named because the Dutch settlers used to think it resembled a see more than a river, Zee meaning “sea”.

Well, TheData, they never had the data to prove the efficacy of their technology, so it was all dumb money invested by wishful thinkers who didn’t do their homework.

Has there ever been a single case of a transgender person attempting to molest a child in a restroom? I’d be more worried about my kids spending time alone with a Republican wrestling coach.

you’ve touched upon the great third-rail of American politics: who is lazier/responsible for my needs. and by needs I mean delivering heavily salted foods to my gullet

because you were forced to be a delivery guy you whiny cunt...

Yes, the idea of a “white” person is quite silly. Also, the ideas of a “black”, “asian”, or “hispanic” person, really. Tribalism/nationalism rears it ugly head all over the world. When I was about 10 years old (in 1958), we Protestant kids were discouraged by our parents from playing with the Catholic kids. I remember

Good service is absolutely quantifiable. Customer satisfaction surveys, polls, online reviews (customers and employees) should all be tracked and measured. From there it should be fairly easy to correlate revenue performance, employee retention rates, etc. Been to an auto dealer recently? They quantify customer

The Force Awakens trailer is already so much better than the prequels and so much closer to the OT, that even if the movie for some strange reasons turns out to be crap, I already feel much more satisfied by only watching it.

Such blanket statements are silly. Both have written things I like, and dislike. We don’t live in a binary world.

Given the relationship that Activision (and apparently Bungie) wanted to have with each other, it makes sense that he was fired.

It’s still really shitty though because this is something that the guy felt was important to him and busted his ass off for and Activision was all “lol no” for what, a few more sales numbers?

This. Also: 1. Not everyone on the site was necessarily even cheating. There are many reasons people could use a site like this like if they have an open relationship. It’s not particularly easy to go on a site and get a date saying you are married. 2. People’s lives are complex and cheating happens for lots of

And they put ads on it. In this case I doubt it matters but if I was an independent photographer or something and they stole my footage, slapped their logo on it and profited from it I’d be pretty pissed off.

The good news is, if you fell over the edge, just spin. You’d land in the water. It’s called the Magnus effect.

The kids should have had a guardian ad litem appointed to each. No one is advocating for these kids in court!

There aren’t any arguments that are going to convince people who have been specifically raised on a comforting lie that the smallest amount of effort can debunk. I agree that people are generally resistant to the arguments that say they are the product of bad stock, but that’s the thing—they (READ: we) do. I can’t

History is written by the victors. If the colonies lost the Revolution then yeah, the original stars and stripes would be a flag of treason against England. But America became a free country so history looks favorably upon that. Things may have been different if the Confederates won. But they did not, and thus are