
Because you may actually want to fight a war where the Earth still exists when it’s over. What are you, twelve years old?

Well, TheData, they never had the data to prove the efficacy of their technology, so it was all dumb money invested by wishful thinkers who didn’t do their homework.

Has there ever been a single case of a transgender person attempting to molest a child in a restroom? I’d be more worried about my kids spending time alone with a Republican wrestling coach.

you’ve touched upon the great third-rail of American politics: who is lazier/responsible for my needs. and by needs I mean delivering heavily salted foods to my gullet

because you were forced to be a delivery guy you whiny cunt...

Given the relationship that Activision (and apparently Bungie) wanted to have with each other, it makes sense that he was fired.

It’s still really shitty though because this is something that the guy felt was important to him and busted his ass off for and Activision was all “lol no” for what, a few more sales numbers?

The kids should have had a guardian ad litem appointed to each. No one is advocating for these kids in court!

Michael Jordan never whined about cameras when he won those 20 straight NBA titles playing without any teammates and not making more than minimum wage.

Well, actually, statistically speaking, there’s only a very negligible probability of your car getting stolen.

HELLO, if he’s a Nice Guy he won’t do it. Duh. That’s why you should appreciate a Nice Guy, you superficial slut. They can use their fedoras as chinese stars if anyone threatens your safety.

Oh he’s definitely a subscriber:

Chip butties for everyone!

They can. There’s a lot of arguments and issues that people have with the current method of paying. From the modders shouldn’t be paid (which is pretty dumb to say), to they should be paid more than 25% (which is a good argument, and why people want a donate button like the Nexus has), to payouts shouldn’t happen at a

yes, the reporter sounds like an ass, not the coked out perv bar owner with a 2-way mirror in the ladies washroom for peeping. lol

I agreed with the first part, then I read the second sentence. It completely captures the attitude that makes everybody despise Boston sports fans. Giving you a +1 for more exposure.

I heard she pooped on the floor once.

It’s pretty easy to tell which personalities are insufferable jerks to those they feel are “beneath” them by observing the revenge exacted by stylists and makeup artists.

Please point me to a study that proves otherwise. Studies that do not match protein intake and studies that rely on self reported intake data do not count. I will be waiting.