
By their logic, "halfs" would have no country they could represent at all.

Open the hood, and #2 and #3 con rods (well, their remnants) are sticking out of the hole they made in the side of the block, as a pool of coolant and oil spreads out from under the car. One of our techs says "Gonna need more than plugs and a cap & rotor to fix that one..." and goes back inside, shaking his head.

If the cost of saving each additional human life from cancer, accident or some other causes is $5M (probably way high), the cost of the F35 program will be over 200,000 American lives.

I think a good standard is "information with no bearing or merit to the public interest" should be forgotten.

Thank God we have a cadre of white men to replace them

Of course I love the actresses, but especially knowing that Paul Feig is behind it really makes me feel like it's an amazing shot at being awesome.

Because New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Las Vegas and even San Francisco are easily recognisable to a huge part of the world's population. Also, all the movies and events they spoof happens in those cities. That's pretty much it.

Thought your comment made too much evidenced by a local (and very popular) pub in my neighborhood. One that, unfortunately, just shut down this past August when the owner of 30+ years decided to close up shop, sell the property, and shuffle down to Florida.


The Raiders certainly must have felt that way after getting clobbered 52-0.

Maybe if the cops stuck with exercising their first amendment rights, and not moving to the other amendments, we wouldn't have a problem.

You're ...... an ..... idiot ....

Blizzard announces its first new IP in years and people still bitch and whine about it.

The only criminal thing here is your grandma.

I'd add - they want to feel power. Over women.

I've been saying this for a while now.

I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).

Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained

Thank you!

I wish they'd also scrutinize those racist as shit "in the hood" pranks as well.