

There is no other subway system with heavier usage, dude.

I wish I could star this 100 times. Unreal, the priorities that we as a society have.

I'd amend that to "privacy in places where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy" is important.

Not realistic. If it were true to the canon, the powerup would have taken at least 8 episodes.

"Not for profit??"

I grew up in Pennsylvania- pretty much all of my high school friends went to PSU. The problem is that alumni associate their entire 20's identity with this football team. They still call Paterno a hero- and consider uncovering Jerry Sandusky "a hit job" against their idol.

Certainly not- but I hear stories about segment producers working on a single segment for months. And that's their only assignment in that time.

Eh- It's like sprinters and distance runners having completely different bodies. Some writers/comics are just suited to different formats.

I dunno- I knew a couple of guys who did segments over at TDS, and it was a grind. Constantly on that treadmill, constantly producing content, constantly writing jokes, always trying to catch up enough to fill that night's taping...

There is no winner in the corporate media stuff.

The Daily Show under Craig Kilborn was not good. Borderline bad. Just a waste of airtime.

He's directed movies and TV without Wiig and McCarthy. It's just that the movies that include Wiig and McCarthy are much funnier and noteworthy. That's why you've heard of them.

Some friends and I were at another couple's home about a month ago. They have a 1 year old kid who's really fun to goof around with. Everyone was taking turns holding him, playing airplane, blah blah. We didn't realize the kid had the flu.

Everything is a Remix.

I hope he doesn't accidentally light it on fire while making improvements... :/

I think you're confused as to what a Grand Jury trial is.

It is the grand jury's function not 'to enquire … upon what foundation [the charge may be] denied,' or otherwise to try the suspect's defenses, but only to examine 'upon what foundation [the charge] is made' by the prosecutor. Respublica v. Shaffer, 1 Dall. 236 (O. T. Phila. 1788); see also F. Wharton, Criminal

The prosecutor outlined the defense's case. This is not what a grand jury trial is for. It's so that a prosecutor can outline his own defense to a grand jury, at which point they decide whether there is enough of it to then proceed to a trial.