
1994 is retro now? Fuck, I’m old.

I think Mech Assualt and Phantasy Star Online have to be included in an Xbox top 10.

Heather Alexandra: Constantly finding things to dislike

I got suspended from school when I was in sixth grade because I told this kid his mom gives Dynamite Heady.

Really?! I find the NSMB aesthetic to be the least pleasing of all 2D Mario games. That’s just me though, and I guess it’s good to know that someone out there is enjoying that style. 

I really don’t like the NSMB look. I’d rather see it with sprites drawn like the SMB3/SMW era art.

Oh, you guys are still talking about this? Man, this is almost as pathetic as all the reporting about Poods being a nazi. Is it that slow of a news day on Kotaku that you’ve gotta run a hit piece about a YouTuber that hasn’t even made a non-sponsored video game-related video in almost a full year?

Or... *gasp* maybe it’s not about race! Perhaps not every non-white person questioning immigration is an uncle tom. A confusing idea, I know.