
I think Mech Assualt and Phantasy Star Online have to be included in an Xbox top 10.

Alex Kidd in Miracle World, and Wonder Boy in Monster World.

Wishful thinking. I guarantee you none of that stuff even crossed the developers mind. More than likely they just thought it would be funny to have link crossdress.

As a Zelda fan from game one, I agree there hasn’t been a good Zelda game since MM, except now BotW has brought it back to a quality series, in my opinion. I thought WW, TP, and SS, were just awful. They didn’t feel like Zelda at all. All the Wind Waker fans, I don’t get you guys, I’ve tried so many times to play that

Why is Xander’s crush inappropriate? Is it a crime to pine for a girl? Didn’t he have the opportunity to take advantage of her when she was under some love spell, and didn’t do it? Seems like a solid dude to me.

But who will write all the great hand measuring, and overwatch sex room articles?

So, basically what you’re saying is girls don’t play games. Got it.