
a.) How do you know that it was men who sent those message?

Sorry, but her harassing people is okay because she gets trolled by people on the net? If we talk about harassment then we should look at the entire picture, not just at one single moment. Which you said yourself was a non-moment, a non-event where all that happened was that she felt "something she didn't like". Or

"her behavior after the fact does not interest me."

Watson escalated the moment she attacked McGraw from the podium. There are many ways you can deal with criticism, this was not a good one.

Yes, I am a misogynist here because I am disapproving of Watson and what she's doing (btw, I also disapprove of PZ Myers for his white knighting and Dawkins for his Dogma when it comes to his non-belief, guess that also makes me a mysandrist? Oh, sorry, that doesn't exist my bad).

You need to see her "sins" in the context of this. She never once engaged one of her critics in an honest way. She either belittled them or called them names, with heavy support fire from certain FTB bloggers and her horde of happy followers to whom she can do no wrong. It's her complete inability to even consider

I am not talking about people asking Dawkins questions. As I have pointed out several times it has gone way beyond "asking questions" or even stupid calls to boycott his books.

It clearly means that you play fast and lose with your "facts".

" Or that Rebecca Watson (who is married) would have been welcoming to this guy"

Ignoring as in: "Okay, fine." and moving on. There are still people calling to harass him at conferences, like last week in Sweden.

"i actually disagree with the women disagreed with her perception. "

No, people didn't change time stamps (though there have been rumors of posts being edited after the fact, including comments).

Where did I say she couldn't respond? But that's not really what she did, now is it?

Yeah, or she is just a shameless opportunist who saw one when it came her way. Wouldn't be the first time:

What experience? That is what the whole thing was about. She perceives it as sexist and being objectified, many women disagreed and then the White Knights came running out. @artinyourFace posted a rather good link that summaries the entire bruhaha:

Ah, interesting. I had not seen this and some things are new to me. Thanks.

No worries. On that topic one better has a thick skin. *shrug*.


Actually I made no value judgement / statement on what Dawkins wrote. I merely pointed out that Dawkins wasn't an "opportunist" trying to use it to get some publicity, if he wanted that he could have written something on his blog instead of burying within thousands of other comments.

Okay, let's try this again: