
Dawkins didn't come out with this remark "right away", there was a heavy discussion going on about the whole Elevator thing and eventually Dawkins wrote his "Dear Muslima" as a comment on PZ's blog. I think it was the second or third "attempt" by Myers to raise awareness and it turned into a full out gender war.

If all that happened was what was told i that little writeup you'd be right berating Dawkins, but it's not quite that simple and moreso, Dawkins remark was more about the purpose of the movement than dismissing any potential problem.

See, I don't like Zooms and rarely use them. I have two zooms for my Canon and I mostly carry it around with the 50mm or 35mm.

As a backup camera in case something goes sideways with the XPro-1. Much like other photogs may have a 5D Mk III and carry a high-end Rebel as a backup.

There is a difference, I am sure, but I am in it to create interesting photographs, not get the best image technology can provide :)

I wish I knew. I ended up buying a Subaru Outback because I just could not find a new Wagon, they don't even sell the Passat Wagon anymore :(

Yeah, and what the XPro-1 can pull off is quite nice. I have shot in extremely dark conditions. I am not a fan of flash, never was even when I am shooting film.

What advantage do you think a dSLR has over the XPro-1? Yeah, there are certain shooting situations where the dSLR will be better (anything with long lenses really), but for the majority of people who don't do sports or nature photography there really is no advantage dragging around a heavy dSRL and lenses. I carry

"And in the spirit of consumer friendliness, there's now a pop-up flash"

The Kobo is an ePub device utilizing Adobe DRM. It doesn't really matter WHAT store you want to buy your books from.

No I meant this is going to be a test on how people will play with these features. They are working on an Elder Scrolls MMO, unless I am getting senile in my old age and are just dreaming it.

Not the first time that this would happen. There could be a few reasons as to why they may have implemented it this way, not in the least that Voible may say that this is the only way.

You have a Gremlin and / or Rat infestation.

To me this smells like a beta for their MMO.

Anything I back on Kickstarter I see as a "venture capital investment", meaning: I am fully prepared to lose the cash. Do I expect to? Nope and if the Ouya would fail that would be bad news for a lot of other projects (likewise if, say, Tim Schaefer wouldn't deliver).

Actually I think I have an idea why they couldn't restart it:

SMS has a 160 character limit. I know that SMS didn't make it to the States until sometime in the 2000s but in Europe it was available with the introduction of GSM in the early 90s.

Ugh. Probably showing my age but even in the 90s I could never get used to "text speak". I always wrote out what I meant which at times caused trouble with the 160 character limit.

Well, they're based in Vancouver and during the 90s a lot of people from HK migrated there. That's when it got the nickname "Hongcouver", though technically most of them settled in Richmond.

Once I am snipped I am no longer a real dick, just a "beautified" dick.