
Again. My point was that either you wouldn't feel the delay at all or you'd be goo. Even though there is a bit of a rampup this is still measured in milliseconds and we are talking about forces way way WAY in excess of what you would encounter in a car crash.

My point is that it takes milliseconds before the force starts to act on the people in a car. A delay in the internal dampner would either be so short that people would never notice or it would be game over as the entire force comes in right away, it doesn't "ramp up".

SGU failed for me because the two previous series weren't dark and gritty, they were light, popcorn Scifi that was fun to watch. SGU on the other hand tried too hard to be BSG and for me it just did not work.

Considering how quickly for example a car crash happens I would say that if the inertial dampeners have even the smallest of delays either nothing would happen to the people or they'd be smeared across the walls. You wouldn't just get "thrown around".

Ask and you shall be given:

"Pretty much only 2001: A Space Odyssey has gotten this right — you can't have artificial gravity in space without creating spin,"

This was interesting to play last night. Once anyway. All I can say is: ewww, the controls.

I haven't really read any HK comics, but I "grew up" with the HK action movies of the 80s and 90s and that's what I mostly base it on. :)

Everybody pays ;) The question is more in HOW you pay ;)

Quite possible. She called herself an "egg" anyway, so how "deep in the culture" she really was I am not quite sure.

Ah yes, I slightly misunderstood what you were referring to.

Oh, I am not saying the elements aren't there but I have a problem "believing" it. Dunno what it is.... I enjoy it, but it feels to me slightly off... Uncanny valley if you want. I think the best way I can describe it is that it seems like it was written by some white guys in Vancouver who watched a lot of Hong Kong

I see him more as conflicted between two loyalties. That's actually a pretty strong theme in these Hong Kong cop movies though I think they aren't really putting that angle out as much as they could / should.

I wouldn't hold my breath. I almost expect SEGA to sell it's IP to either Sony or Microsoft in the next few years and only continue to exist as a label, much like Atari.

Vancouver apparently had the big change happening. The "old" immigrants who live(d) in Vancouver's Chinatown have been overrun with "newly rich" Chinese from the Mainland who all speak Mandarin and apparently settled in Richmond and there seems to be quite a bit of a "looking down" happening. I found this sort of

Yep, that seems to be the same thing for me, though you do gain cop scores when doing triad missions, as long as you don't hit anybody "innocent".

That is true, but the physics at times are utterly weird, especially on collisions. I got stuck under a truck on my motorcycle for example and it took me a while to extract myself from it, same when jumping vehicles. It's fun, but at times it's just unpredictable.

Good point. And yeah, I am not completely done yet, so it's possible that at least some of them will make a re-appearance, but things like the girl from the electronic shop... well, it was an "odd date" to begin with and the way they ended it then five seconds later was just bizarre. Especially as she essentially

I meant weird in the sense that it doesn't quite jive with the flair of the Hong Kong movies it was inspired by, it's not overly corny, just at times feels.... dunno. White?

Interesting, I had the opposite experience. I ended up playing almost 24 hours straight. Picked it up Friday after work, played until the sun came up again, then kept playing until I finished it. There is / was something about the game that drew me in, same with the Second one (though a bit less so as it was "faster