
I am pretty certain that even in Hong Kong Mandarin is starting to dominate. An ex was of "Hong Kong ancestry" (well, her parents were just from outside HK) and she told me that Cantonese is pretty much dying and even here in Canada most people now speak Mandarin and look down on the cantonese speakers. Apparently if

I wouldn't call the driving any better. At least on the XBOX the vehicle physics are quite whack.

Technically you can run / kill / destroy almost everything but if you're doing this during mission your "cop score" gets dinged which means you will be slower in upgrading your "skills".

" The "dates" felt like a nice change of pace from GTA IV's "Hello, Michelle. Would you like to go bowling?" segments. The shortness, however, and lack of any real development was strange."

In the defense of Shemnue II though, the game came out shortly after the first one in Japan and did get a DC release in Europe as well. It was just NA that got the shaft on that and we didn't get to play it until a few years later when they released it on the XBOX.

Since I got the XPro-1 I mostly have been shooting with it, but I still have the X100 on me as a backup and the X100 is still my "daily carry", simply because it is much smaller than the XPro-1.

"This camera is not for videographers."

Partially, but I also think the internet is a problem. Instead of getting people to actually exchange ideas and get exposed to new ones they retreat into their own little echo chamber where their ideas are just being reinforced.

Oh, can we do this with every product that's out there? Just imagine, instead of seeing cars driving down empty roads looking all shiny we get treated to the video of a car crash with lots of blood and gore.

It came to my mind because people seem to obsess over shiny gadgets more than anything else.

Yeah, I admit, it's a character fault that I think people could look beyond their own nose. But then again, after just spending a week on the road it should be clear to me by now that their own nose is all that most people see.

Now playing

Yeah, all the people who do this.... I always consider this: "Read Later", which essentially means: "Read Never".

Yeah I know. It's just frustrating / annoying. Opel on it's own has enough know-how and ability to build great cars.

Yeah well, unfortunately that does not make me feel any better.

You know, I was sort of "shocked" when several people today told me that they really couldn't give a F* about Curiosity. Those are people I would have considered interested in science and technology and yet, nope.

Isn't GMs real problem when it comes to Opel that Opel has a lot of the advanced research & development (e.g. drivetrain for the Volt)?

Not old enough and not American either.

No, I responded to the sort of implied indication that this knowledge we achieve from Curiosity will not really benefit us. The point I was (trying to) make(ing) was that the few hypes we have in science never, directly, live up to reality but we shouldn't use that as a yard stick as to how "cool" it is. Because as

Sure. Care to fund that endavour?

Mars is interesting to us because it is very similar to earth in size etc. It had water once and could give us clues to the origin of life etc.