
Black women are always at the forefront of everything Black and take all of the beatings and then have to come to their homes and worry about Black men harming them as well. It’s a damn shame and us Black men can’t help elevate the Black community without elevating Black women and LGBT people.

Disagree. The Root has always been straight forward. The article speaks the truth. And sometimes that truth hurts. We gotta do better for all of us for all of us to do better.

Because most of the things he described are things that men of all races do to women.

Omg this article is fucking perfect.

Let me find my seat real quick because the umar stans are coming.

You could make the same argument about men of all races we really all are a problem.

I think you can laugh at the things he says while still being uncomfortable by his backwards beliefs. That’s the whole point of the character.

Why don’t we use FEMA money chartering busses to get people out? Businesses don’t need to be open. Close then down by government order, bus people out. It’ll reduce traffic as well. I’m so disgusted that people aren’t biased out.

I live in Tennessee so some people who can evacuate are heading into this area. I saw a local hotel offering a special rate for evacuees. It was still $100 a night at the fucking Holiday Inn that will surely have a lot of unsold rooms at any rate. Like how TF can people afford that? Some of my friends who wanted to

I love you Veggietart ❤️, but I’m pretty sure this poster is trolling. {sigh}

I know you’re a troll, but the causality goes the other way in the US. Poverty —> weight gain. There are myriad economic and psychological and metabolic reasons for it, which - since you are so penetrated by the research spirit - are available for you to discover online.

A lot of poor people (who are usually black or brown) live in areas called food deserts, where most stores are convenience stores or little markets with few healthy options. When you can get a burger and fries for $3 but a salad is $7, it’s obvious they’ll go for the burger meal. Crap is cheap and healthy food not so

I am always pissed off when people are all “Why didn’t they just leave?” Well, let me tell you as someone who could have been in that position. Where are you going to go? You don’t have a rely on public transportation...whoops..that’s stopped running. Maybe you have relatives that can come get you, but

*Is in Houston*

true! or he does like to say “people want to know...” or “we received a lot of questions about...”

The trick is that Andy asks the rude questions on behalf of the viewers.

Shockwaves.... around the world.

I think it’s because he used to be so soft, especially at the reunions. People were suggesting he be replaced if he couldn’t ask the tough questions. He stepped up to become the asshole we demand.

And if they don’t answer an uncomfortable/flat-out rude question, he’ll just ask it again two minutes later and get them to spill. Andy really should be questioning terrorists for the CIA.

Andy Cohen has a remarkable way of asking rude questions while still making his guests feel like he’s on their team. His hosting ability astounds me at every reunion and WWHL!