
Good God man. Stop making politics about people you do or do not like. It’s not a high school popularity contest and it’s not about personalities you like or don’t like.

That’s not only wrong and made up, but because you know it’s not true you’re literally lying to support your personal political agenda. Truth and honesty are American values. Lying is not. Frankly I’d far rather keep a hard-working, honest DACA student than someone as deceitful as yourself.

That’s such a concerning response. I know you think you’ve thought this through, but stay with me for a second.

Thanks, mine supports keeping this program so I am good. My rep already said he would prefer a revamped immigration system, but that ending this would be a huge step backwards.

Ending DACA isn’t an opinion, it’s the first step towards expelling several million people from this country. People that were promised by the government that if they registered and did what they were told they would not be.

Where exactly do you think 800,000 people and their immediate families are going to go? or do you think they should just be given a bottle of water and marched into the Desert. If you really do support deporting that many people which if Trump is to be believed would be somewhere close to the population of Wisconsin,

If they’re stealing jobs, then you never were a good applicant to be qualified. How’s that white entitlement?

Are you Native American?... Or are you a descendant of an immigrant like most citizens? And the act is mostly for children who have spent most of their lives on American soil. Dreamers have been nothing but a boon to my community.

It’s always nice when the fools open their mouths and remove all doubt when it comes to their cruel, petty, disgusting lack of empathy.

I hope the rug is pulled from under you some day

And what happened next?

Please more posts like this! Helps in these shit times.

Iain Glen is far too handsome, charming and talented. In the real world, Dany, with all her daddy issues would be on him like a rash.

Needs more Bronn.

<<Isn’t that why you all voted for him?>>

I can. Dude was a skeaze and a half. I wish I could find a gif of him very conspicuously checking a girl out as he sat across the table from Ramona.

Scary Island. Ramona was renewing her vows (because 17 is a huge anniversary year...?) and brought Sonja (who was brand new to the show and seemed very cool and normal at the time), Alex, Kelly, and Bethenny (who was pregnant) to St. Barths as some sort of bachelorette or some shit. Kelly went absolutely APE SHIT and

THANK YOU for voicing what I’ve been thinking for months.