
No worries. After I read your reply, I could see how a person could draw that conclusion from what I wrote. I should have thought it through.

‪”I feel like that is the untold story of this data leak—how many people just aren’t getting a sexual connection they want. And rather than talk about how people could solve this problem, everyone is just moralizing.”

Now playing

I like Miley. She’s living her life and doing her thing. Her voice is unique; one doesn’t hear very many contralto voices in pop music anymore. Everyone wants to see who can hit a higher note than the next person, meanwhile I’ve played this video of her cover of Summertime Sadness over and over for the past few months.

Tough but fair.

Technically, the overarching theme for me was male impotence so the fact that the season never, ahem, got going so to say really ties this all together in a neat little package. I mean, he couldnt even upload his final message to his boy.

I think you pretty much nail it here- people are watching shows they don’t like so they can talk about not liking them.

Yes, it sucked, yet you watched it for eight weeks. At least you could argue it’s part of your job, but I will never understand the rush to hatewatch this show this season.

“I’m such an idiot! I’m such an idiot!”

But the article made a statement about all men. Why, in your brain, is it a somehow invalid or pathetic response to criticise a blanket statement?

It’s like Comic Sans got drunk on chardonnay and started wearing a cheap pink feather boa.

Now playing

Wherever you go when you die, I want to think that Rowdy Roddy Piper walked in like this:

I know how double-negatives work... thanks.

What is this song about?

I’ve been willing to let a lot of Bono’s shenanigans go; because Joshua Tree.

This week, we’re talking about the worst things that we’ve seen on airplanes

The Worst Thing You’ve Ever Seen on an Airplane...

Look, I was going through a bad break-up, OK?

Their service is the provision of wedding cakes for weddings. They have refused to make a wedding cake for a wedding. They must explain what is different about this wedding cake in a way that is not discriminatory to people of a certain race, sex, religion, or sexuality.

Exactly. Every single Christian who owns a business and refuses to serve LGBT customers does so out of self righteousness. There is literally NOTHING in the Bible that commands followers not to serve those whom they deem as being “sinners”. In fact, quite the opposite. “Let no man who has sinned cast the first stone”

Guarantee that Rousey double shank legs Coerria right off of a rear choke helix. If Coerria lasts through all of that, I’d be surprised if Rousey doesn’t immediately force a Janckman’s Plexus on her and shatter her buttonhook. Coerria’s only shot is a quick, accurate Miranda’s Reversal into a hog-nosed bat tap. Once