Get Some Dak Sausage

Do The Root and Deadspin, don't be scared. 

I haven’t seen the word “cadre” used in print anywhere except the dictionary. Bravo!

That dude is either:

He looks like Vince Vaughn’s long lost brother. 

As someone who has grown up, lives, and works around a majority of brown people and has brown family members I've always found that they have much more openly hostile attitudes towards blacks than do the whites. I think white racism towards blacks has been more subtle (pre-trump, post civil rights era) than brown

No joke. I feel like I'm cheating on my wife when I read it. I have to turn my display light on my phone to low and read it under the covers. 

Cali! What is your old ass doing up so late?! What time do they make you go to bed in the nursing home? Be careful or you'll lose internet privileges. 

Sure the Civil War was about state’s rights; the right to own slaves! Morons.

“I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."

I never thought I'd say this, but where is Stephen Crockett and what have you done with him? 

Wtf is going on at Fox News today? Was it hacked by The Root?

What just happened here?

Don’t be scared to throw out their name...

Wtf did I miss? Links to this anyone?

He didn’t even come close to parallel, that would not have counted for a max in my weight room.

You know some weird white people.

Oh shit

I think the more important question is... does anyone understand wtf you just rambled on about?

Hal Patton? Is that you?

Why do you always delete my replies? You delete them even when I agree with you. You’re a strange bird Tomi...