Get Some Dak Sausage

Did the robbers specifically ask for “the jewelry McCoy gave you” or did they demand “all your jewelry” and it happened to be a gift from McCoy? I’ve never seen clarification on that...

As I have said and written and yelled about from every outlet known to man. People making false calls to police for harassment should be ticketed and fined. It’s in the law. Filing a false report is a crime. This doesn’t require re-inventing the wheel, and I promise any city council person or mayor who runs with a

You forgot to mention that 1-2 years after buying itthe staff’ will write a hit piece on them, saying how their music sucks and that their employees aren’t unionized. Their cat will be outed as a homosexual with no facts to back it up and they will become enemies of the water cooler for not doing more to take down

I concur and agree wholeheartedly. We know, however, that Wypipo don’t approve of violence when it is aimed against them from POC. That scares them shitless. Scary ass fucks. 

^This. #MericaMax and his fellow cockroaches are used to being able to get away with shit like this with zero consequences. Once they start leaving some teeth on the pavement they’ll slink back under their rocks.

I’m afraid I agree with you. The guy down the block referred to some friends of my African American neighbor by the “N” word. His wife hit the guy in the ribs with a shovel. He no longer lives on our block. Problem solved.

I think you have the best of intentions and please continue to be open to outside thought, but don’t expect a pat on the back, understand you do not move to the front of the line, and hope more people will question their racial views as well.

Your comment isn't going well either.

I don’t know if I’d call claiming Native ancestry cultural appropriation. She’s not burning sage in meetings or tweeting about her fry bread recipe.

The Root: White Woman Calls 911, Accuses Black Neighbor of Stealing the Sun

Deadspin: Sun Not Backing In Down, Responds To Moon’s Challenge

NO, you rambled. I think you said you were bigoted against Asian people. So fuck you.

this one didn’t age well huh?

What if he’s a rapist or child molester too? He impersonated a health inspector and showed an interest in her daughter that wasn’t healthy. I said this before I watch too many crime shows. They way he told a little girl to shower just made the hair on my neck stand up. If was trying to get a woman and child alone why

Jason, as a life-long Clevelander (and one of those white former students of yours at Hiram, Class of 07!), I think you VASTLY overestimate the anti-Lebron sentiment, especially by the white part of the city. Saying “Cleveland Hates Lebron” is absurd, and honestly I think you’re just trying to get people riled up

Dear Kattlen Bennet;

Journalism has been on a downward spiral since 9/11 and most of the legit TV newspeople (Peter Jennings, Carole Simpson, Ed Bradley, Mike Wallace, Ted Koppel, etc.) retired/passed on around the same time.

I gotta ask what responsibility you’re talking about?

Wasn’t expecting that video of the women hugging and crying together to make my eyes watery, but there you go.

It’s sad to see the greats resorting to this sort of thing once their body starts to decline, particularly because if Sanchez trusted in his experience and smarts he’d realise he didn’t need PEDs. As Charlie Whitehurst got older he started using a lighter clipboard, while Brian Hoyer adopted a more slow-twitch

Good. The sooner PTSD is identified and treated, the better off this young man will be going forward.