Get Some Dak Sausage

 I’m down. I’m a large man in excellent shape in the middle of a large cycle. Meet me in Temecula?

Tell them Dak Sausage would like to have some words with them...

I don’t know one white person who has a pink pussy hat and a #woke t-shirt. Please don’t stereotype.

 I’m kinda with you, dudes a racist and knows it just won’t admit it in public. But I think his commentary probably accurately describes most whites, just used a bad example.

I think maybe he’s saying Donald Trump honestly doesn’t see himself as a racist, and he isn’t a card-carrying member of any hate group, but he’s white, so by default he sees the world through white tinted lenses making him inherently bias at a minimum and slightly unconsciously racist at worst, which is the state most

This is either nonsense or one of the best articles I’ve ever read on here... someone help me?


Out of the greys for you! That was awesome!!

It’s like racism, the greys are looked down upon for being grey.

Ok you’re not sexist...

 You assume too much, like that I care about this organization and that my political beliefs are far left. I don’t care what they believe in or how hypocritical their leadership is. I don’t care about the far left, far right, or anything inbetween. I think it’s cool they trashed the racist stores. You should cry about

Lol I just didn’t have a witty reply, so I hit you with a generic “interesting”. My minds not in the gutter, promise.


I hate to ruin your black and white view of the world, but we’re all hypocrites. Even you and me.

I know in our post #metoo society this is going to be deemed inappropriate, but she could taint my non-royal bloodline with her negro blood in any way, shape, or form she consented to. She is insanely beautiful.

The video shows a dude knocking down some clothing racks at a store that put out a racist ad. Seems like an appropriate, non-violent response to me. I wasn’t talking about your little anecdotes you found on the internet that have nothing to do with the article or the video so kindly get off my nuts.

Maiysha what is #TeamTooMuch? And I’m not a troll as some would suggest. I’m asking because I have sworn off Google for a year to free my mind and I have no social media.

This is Dak Sausage approved (I know, like anyone needs my approval)!

I don’t know if she laid her hands on him or what happened prior to the video starting cuz I’m not omnipotent like 72.7% of the commentators on here.

Wtf does anything you said have to do with white privilege? Are you serious?