Get Some Dak Sausage

This kind of comment is why I can’t take you or Tomi seriously. Where did DyingtoLive say or even imply Kaepernick protesting police brutality is bullshit and nonsense? You just like to run around cussing people and getting outraged all the time based on a bunch of nonsense. You get the actual fuck out of here with

Agree, we should hear his version. The Root should find him and interview him.

Does anyone else find it odd that both of these gentlemen were profiled on The Root?

You’re my new favorite commentator

Are those nerds wearing baseball helmets?

If Jason Witten takes a knee, does Jerry bench him?

Monique please don’t grey me! I try to behave, I really do... Its just so hard sometimes with all these morons running around. I’m sorry.

 Its where I met your mom and I did some cruel and unusual shit to her.

I want Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers (may he burn in hell) to take a knee in solidarity. Then I want Jason Witten to do it and see if Jerry Jones suspends him.

How was this not a violation of the 8th amendment?

I have to agree with Judas on this (and we don’t agree often) and inform you that if you ever reply to one of my posts again...

 This man needs to be ungreyed or I’m going to start taking a knee at my school when we say the pledge of allegiance.

You’re too serious. I simply mean that most people in comment sections, whether here or faux news or really wherever, are so quick to call names and yell without any real context.

I think The Root should hire Jemele Hill.

Out of the grays for you!

God I hate Aaron Rodgers. Like literally hate. And I know that’s stupid, and I don’t care at this point.

Me too

Are you stupid? Yes? Then you shut the fuck up. I acknowledged I don’t count here. I kind of feel like I’m arguing with a wall right now, and maybe that makes me stupid? I don’t even know what your point is.

Hey retard, I never said it does. Please show me where I said that?