Get Some Dak Sausage

You are the worst kind of commentator there is.

I don’t go to Yahoo, so I’ll take your word for it since you seem very wise to me.

 Lol you watch too much Faux News. Literally no white person I know is hoping for a race war.

 If I saw anyone shoot an (insert any color) baby I would pull out whatever gun of mine I chose to carry that day and I would end their lives. Just saying. And I’d get off, I wouldn’t even be booked.

You know what I find highly disturbing? The comment sections on Faux News and The Root are like some weird, parallel universe/flip sides of the same coin in that makes sense.

Method Man is a lowercase g god.

Are you talking about when you compared me to Trump calling the nazis in Charlottesville good people because it makes me sad everyone is yelling at each other after the shooting in Vegas instead of coming together?

Monique do you think you’re on the “black identity extremists” list? That shit is crazy!

I don’t believe that. Everyone I know owns a gun.

 what’s a “sands”? And before you call me a troll, I’ve sworn off Google for a year in order to learn to think critically again and engage in actual dialogue with other humans. So I’m honesty asking.

Nobody likes white women. Not even white men.

I’ve bought half a dozen guns or so from gun shows over the years and I’ve had to fill out an FFL and get the background check every time (in Texas).

I want to smoke with you one day...

I knew it was you (or Stephen C when I made fun of him for skipping leg day)! 💔

Seriously? I need a source on this one. Cuz if that’s true I’m going to lie on my taxes next time I’m not paying for that shit.

Yesha! Hope you’re doing well (don’t grey me, I just wanted to say hi).

Lol that was so dumb I actually liked it! Star for you

This is depressing. If you read the comments on right leaning websites its all “Chicago, black people.” If you read the comments on left leaning websites its all “terrorism, white people.” I feel like internet comment sections are the end of humanity. I mean, fuck, what a senseless tragedy... the Russians have won.

Who is our Judas?