Get Some Dak Sausage

At this point I think it’s safe to say he could be on a team in the NFL.

I find people like you fascinating. So quick to judge and yet you don’t even know that coach’s name. You have no context, you literally know nothing about him, yet you think you’re morally superior to him so you tear him down. Just fascinating!

Stephen, I kind of feel like you’re the type of dude who has never really been into football anyways. Correct me if I’m wrong.

 The Wire is the greatest work of art produced in the history of the world. That makes me doubt this show will live up to The Wire.

Attempted murder plus a hate crime. Crucify them. That tear running down his cheek breaks my heart. Same age as my daughter.

Sometimes I feel like you’re my long lost brother

Lol if it’s that good and you’re looking to adopt a son, my dad abandoned me in my youth so I’m here waiting for my forever home.


Or I just believe, after industrialization, most unions are corrupt and generally suck. But #notallunions right? But yeah, if my opinion doesn’t fit your narrative, go ahead and call me a troll cuz that’s what’s easy. Don’t ever engage in dialogue. Just call people trolls.

Im not allowed in Vegas so I will admit you could be right about that. I won’t try to pretend I know something about something I don’t.

Fair point. I guess I’d argue that unions in their current form are inherently corrupt.

Who is this peasant trying to make a name for himself by dick riding Tomi and coming at me?

Here we go. You know more about me, an internet stranger, than I know? I’m very well aware of what unions have done for the working class in America. I’m also very well aware, as you obviously aren’t, that most unions are historically racist and will protect a racist union member at all costs. You sit down.

No disputing that here. The older I get, the less I seem to know. That’s why I actually have love for this site. Makes me realize how little I really know and I think coming here makes me a better person. 😘

That’s what I meant to say I’m just not that smart. A+ for you.

I have never harassed you. I barely get on here anymore, I’m in season.  You make shit up. You’re the one who vowed to figure out who I am and get me fired from my job. Despite all those facts, I still enjoy you.

Lol my queen Yesha! She ignores me now 💔

 White ladies don’t count.

All unions exist to protect shitty people. Just because unions get something right every now and then doesn’t make them good.

I have a theory. Cam Newton could take a shit on the 50 on live national television during the national anthem and no one would care. Because he’s a bad ass.