
The point is that all violent conflict is stemmed from ideological and theological differences.
Rational thinking has never led to war, discourse, violence, oppression, suicide bombings, etc.
Rational thinking is not complicated.

Would definitely hoon.
Don't think I'd ever want to own one, though. I've had Alfa's before, and they're a beautiful money pit... always something wrong with them.

My friend's dad tought me how to drive a model T... Took about 20 minutes to get my bearings and coordinate all of my limbs properly, and in the 30 minutes of driving from my friend's house to the store and back, I almost crashed it at least a dozen times.
A terrifying car. I hope that I'll never have to drive another

This is what religion does for the world.

What on earth are you talking about?

I've been wanting to build one for years.
I think I can do a relatively direct 944 swap under the mk2. I'll need to build an engine cradle and daptor plate for the 16v, and probably adjust the length of a few things.

I have a 912e. It is not what I would call fast, but it is insanely pretty, and goes around corners brilliantly.
I've driven all of the "slow" Porsches, and all of them were fun!
356 was a light little beetle thing that acted like it wanted to go big boy racing.
914 was a spunky little go kart, and it's MR layout made it

That being said... Fuck this noise!

I live near Salinas.
Every night (re. EVERY FUCKING NIGHT) I hear about a shooting, or a stabbing, or gang violence, or a murder that happened in Salinas.
Fuck that place.
I say we take off and nuke the sight from orbit... It's the only way to be sure.

It warms the cockles of my tingling nethers.
Is it normal that I'm this aroused?

Government acquisition of property? I'm pretty sure that they're not allowed to do that... Well, that used to be the rules. Now those fucktards can pretty much do whatever they want.

HA! That took me second to figure out.

I like hand cranked windo winders.
They're practical, last for decades, they'll still work if you spill your coffee directly into the armrest on the door, and they save a little bit of weight.

If you rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, it looks like a space invader, or a vampire frog... or possibly and angry letter.

One of the things I love about old mk1 and mk2 Volkswagens is that they always seem to be ready for emergency maneuvers.
You have an "oh shit" moment and yank on the wheel, and your venerable old VW is more than happy to comply with an "Oh, you want to go that way, right now? NO PROBLEM!"
I love obedient cars.

I know what it's supposed to be... I just think it looks stupid.
The symbol on the rear defroster buttons in my old Volkswagens makes more sense.

This one is in my Porsche.
I know what it's for, but the symbol seems really stupid and unrelated.

Oh, I was talking about ridiculing privateering artists.
If you're a professional, you are held to a much higher standard, and if your art is used to represent a design language, company, and products... People are gonna rip you apart, and you'll deserve it.

I've always had mixed feelings about this car. While I am a huge fan of gullwing doors, the low sills and the car's overall shape just isn't doing this custom any favors.

I agree.
I'm an artist, and even though I don't like it, it is important for me to be told when my art is shit... However, constructive criticism (aka responsible critique) is much more productive than being a douchebag.