
100% would hoon the tiny doors off of it.

Nope. Built on essentially the same chassis.

They already made an electric Elise... They call it a "Tesla Roadster"

The only logical choice...


I follow evidence like a rational and intelligent person.

You're the one doing the flailing.
Just go back and read what you posted; it's all baseless inflammatory "you're a mindless sheep" conspiracy theory rhetoric.

I said I follow evidence, and you say I'm stupid for not believing things that have none... I'm sorry that I don't accept wild speculation as irrefutable fact.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, crazy.

To the conspiracy Theorists: If you can't prove that you're right; there's no need for us to prove that you're wrong. It's impossible to disprove something you can't prove happened.

Unlike everybody on the internet; I rely on reasonable hypotheses, backed by verifiable evidence. I was speculating on the reaction of people that believe everything they read (based on first-hand observation).

You just opened a huge can of worms...
Crazy people are gonna start flooding in; jumping on the conspiracy theory crazy chain.
"Aloominoddy! Aliums! Guvmint! I'm the only one that knows the truth!"

I realize he's trying as hard as he can to be funny... But Tavarish just comes across as an aloof, snide, dissatisfied troll with a thesaurus.
Seriously, dude. Do you like anything?

I'm sure I have pics of it somewhere... The frame is now in my bone yard. I'll see if I can dig it out and take some pictures of what's left of it.

This thing?
This thing looks completely bonkers.
I want one.

I've built a shaft driven mountain bike with two wheel steering. It cut the turning radius in half, improved the stability on loose terrain, and made it nearly impossible for anyone to steal... bitch was incredibly hard to ride at first.

Hydraulic radial hub motors?
A little tricky to engineer, but seems perfectly reasonable if you have the tools and know-how to build it...
I like it. I'd like to see it in person, and pick the brains of the engineer(s) involved in it's construction.

Great story.

Decades of therapy... for his therapist.