So I'm not missing anything?
So I'm not missing anything?
They have a long way to go. I have never driven a corvette that has impressed me in any way (except for straight line acceleration, because that was pretty exciting). If they want to be taken seriously as a sports car; they can start by acting like they have a little dignity, tone down the 'Murica crap, and actually…
Jag won't touch BMW, because they're just a bunch of pricks.
I have no idea who that is... Do I lose princess points?
It seems that I'm completely incapable of fulfilling the expectations of my stereotype.
I think it balances out.
I myself have a soft spot in my heart for the Mach 1.
Nobody's perfect, right?
I've had to explain (many times on the Interwebs) that my sexual orientation does not hinder my ability to use that third pedal and the wiggly stick in the middle. I love cars, I love driving, and I love speed. I've owned cars from VW, Porsche, Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Ford, Alfa, Fiat, and Opel. And I'm currently saving…
As long as the cheese isn't going with the dental drill sounding whine of that Corvette.
I took this picture in the middle of a 16v swap... So, yeah, no engine in front.
I'm a 70's-80's Porsche & Ferrari guy myself. I started with Volkswagens (they're fun and easy to chuck in and out of corners) and I've had this username for years.
This mustang guy just likes calling me a fag and making fun of small cars.
I think he secretly fears that dicks are delicious.
Hey, we've been over this:
I'm gay, I like Volkswagens, and I think American muscle cars are irretrievably stupid.
You're a homophobic dipshit that likes searching for animated .gifs of little boys that look like they're... well, you shouldn't need a refresher on that one. How old was he again? 9?
Sounds like an old Camaro with an exhaust leak, powering a pneumatic dental drill.
It's like scraping nails on a chalkboard that's being used to scrape against another chalkboard.
I consider a car ad awesome if I look forward to I being on during a commercial break. Like mk5 GTI ads, earlier Kia Soul ads, the Star Wars Passat commercial made me smile, and I love the new Toyota Corolla 'Generations' commercial.
Some ads are good, most are just run-of-the-mill garbage.
Guh... you again?
You won't listen to me anyway. You'll just post .gifs and call me a fag.
Go kick rocks.
So many "Cliffhanger" poop jokes have come to mind... Thanks for that.
An Italian car, narrated by a Frenchman, with German music playing in the background... Hilarious.
Also; I hadn't realized that the Countach was good for anything other than being in 'Cannonball Run' movies, and looking flamboyantly Italian.
(Before you yell at me, just know that I Love The Countach)
I was going about 50, and heading in to a left-right transition. There was a patch of sand, there was some slip, then there was poorly timed grip... Then there was a badly damaged Suzuki and a bruised and pissed off me.
My mountain roads are unforgiving, and have this propensity for injuring or killing inexperienced…
Always geared up.
Skin comes off WAY too easily, and I'd much rather keep my soft pink insignificance from being smeared in a monomolecular layer down the pavement.
I have better things to do with my time.