
I still play the original on my PS1 occasionally.
I remember when this was considered the most accurate and realistic racing simulator you could buy.

Good thing they out all the stuff about the Nazis... That might have been bad for marketing.

Idiot. Asshat. Moron.
Shorts and a tee shirt, doing stupid shit on the freeway, running from the cops. Followed by several traffic violations, and then speeding down a one lane road.
Guys like this make motorcyclists look bad, and make it more dangerous for me when I go out riding because the average motorist thinks I'm

My friends little brother was killed in a car accident. The driver of the car was pissed about something, and deliberately crashed it into a wall. The car went end over end, and my friends little brother was in the back seat, and got pretty mangled.
The driver served no time for vehicular manslaughter, has no remorse,

Thus cementing my opinion that the Midwest sucks 100 horse dicks... In a row.

All of them.

You've summed it up perfectly.
The other thing about these "fans" is that they were ridiculing those F&F movies and making fun of Paul Walker right up to the moment his death was announced.
Your "tributes" mean nothing to a dead man if you didn't respect him while he was alive.

So, everything my relatives told me about Northern Europe are true?

The Escort Mexico is one of the few Fords that are worth driving. It's classy, quick, very Euro, and I can't wait to have the money so I can import one.

Sweet Jeebus! One of the only Fords I actually like!
This and the old Escort Mexico... and the Falcon XB.

Challenger is go for throttle up...

The way you wrote it, indicated in every way, that you were under the impression that it did not have a V8. Your inability to convey a simple concept, is not an indication of my ability to read.
You said something profoundly idiotic, and now you're back pedaling.
You're done now...

This from the guy that didn't know the 308 had a V8 in it...
I'm gonna go ahead and assume that you've never driven something with a V8. I'd like to expound upon that and suggest that you've never driven anything with an MR layout. And based upon your clumsy attempt to trash on a car you clearly know nothing about, I

I've seen worse.

Yeah. The 308 has a V8... A damn good one, too.
You've failed the Internet today, close your laptop, and go back to bed.

Congratulations... you've ruined my joke...

I don't know anything about baseball, but I know plenty about Nelson Mandela... I honestly didn't know what the fuck was going on with this.
These people just FAIL as journalists.

Back in 2005, I moved to Tucson AZ with my friends. The night before we left, we were driving around in my friend's PT Cruiser.
It was valentines day.
We hit this deer while going about 50 mph. It flew through the air, crossed one lane, sailed over the median, and landed on the hood of a Mitsubishi Galant traveling (at