
Ah! I get it.
See, I'm an avid cyclist, so maybe I lean more towards the slender cut, instead of the guy that could pick up my car.
Don't get me wrong, I think the physique of the beefcake is incredible. That takes commitment.

Beefcakes actually freak me out a little bit.
The trim guys... I dunno. It's like comparing a '67 Camaro to a '80 Ferrari 328; They both have a V8, they're both very pretty, they both sound amazing... But they're built for two very different purposes, and require different levels of maintainance.

No grid girls for me... It's not my scene.

Oh, c'mon. This is old news.
I've moved on.
Quit living in the past. ;P

Those are armored S.W.A.T. vehicles, you dork... I betcha they run on biodiesel.

I really want to like it... But Audi has been pumping out some really boring looking cars in recent years. I have a feeling we won't see this car any time soon, if at all.

You wouldn't happen to have the phone number for the place that rents out helicopters, would you?

They're just trying to one-up Portland.

Holy shit. That was awesome.
Shame the Bimmer caught on fire though... There were no fucks being given up to that point.

For most of that roll, he did an excellent job keeping his arms down.
Glad he's okay.

I've gone to some pretty extreme lengths to save an old VW (building a ramp down from a hay loft in a barn to save a split oval bug, and demolish part of a condemned building to extract a type 34 Ghia body) but there's no way I'm going to hire a helocopter to airlift a bus out of the woods... That's just crazy.

Even of I could afford one (which, obviously, I can't) I'm not sure it's worth the hassle.
I derive personal enjoyment from cars... I think the joy I'd get from a Bugatti would be negated by all the attention.

Go in peace, my entertaining adversary!

You made my day.
Alright, sir. You win this round, and I am indeed a douche.

This is a stereotypical Indian.

Weird... All of my cars appear to have over 150k on them, and they all work fine.
Your imaginary acquaintances must be doing it wrong.

You managed to talk more shit in one post, than I did in ALL of mine... Is hypocrisy the flavor of the month?
All I did was talk about a car, and you attack me as a person. You must feel like a real winner.


I like watching people turn into the monsters that they really are... But from the safety of my computer.