
I will take your suggestion into consideration...!!!
Ha! I'm kidding. You do make a valid point, though.

I don't tout specs, because I don't care. I have a naturally aspirated 1.8 liter 8v. I don't take my VW to the track. None of my cars have been chipped. The only tuning I've done is a sport suspension upgrade and a borla exhaust system. What makes you think I want anyone in my car with me? I'm gay, so I don't give a

Dude. It's an automotive blog. For all I knew, it could have been a reference to a motorcycle.

I wasn't crying about anything.
If I'm trolling, I would have absolutely nothing to complain about. Nobody's bitten me yet... they're not smart enough.
And: my sn is iluvemyveedubz, not volkswagenisthebestcarintheworldhahafuckyou.

Don't play the race card.
I can't tell what color your skin is over the Internet.

The use of a period after each word is to imply emphasis on the message. Each word must be viewed individually, in order to hammer the point home.
Any literary scholar will tell you that it helps to convey a certain amount of tone in written form.
Like sarcasm; it doesn't always translate well to paper.

Douches are cleaner than assholes.

Just look for any Mustang related conversations I've had.
Everyone resorts to trash talking Volkswagens (which I never mention) and either call me a commie faggot, or insinuate that I might be a gay troll.
Now, chop chop lazy bones, and go read those comments!

Care to elaborate?
Have you seen me talk about my VW? Touted any specs? Bragged about my track times? Talk about and tuning, upgrades, or exploits?
No? Just thought I'd check.

If I had any hair, I'd dye it BRIGHT PINK.
You do realize that posting that pic, and accusing me of being a troll, is trolling, right?

Wrong about what?
All I said was "good luck". You people are the ones scrambling to prove the Mustang is worth something.
Inferiority complex?

Like I already said:
I. Don't. Care.

Don't need one.
I find other people to be tedious, confusing, and downright infuriating.
I like spending my day painting, working in my cars, and kicking the hornet's nest that is American Car Enthusiasts.

Because it's funny to watch Mustang enthusiast come completely unhinged. The slightest provocation sends them off the deep end, and the act like you just drop-kicked a toddler.
I think it's hilarious.

Whatever floats your boat, man.
I will say this: the Camaro sounds awful pretty.

Woah woah woah! Let me stop you right there...
I. Don't. Care.

That's right! Because a hulking V8 and no way of channeling all that power to the ground isn't predicated on luck at all.

Was the M3 driver drunk?

Well, hotwheels run on a track, so they all go around corners the exact same way.
I don't think I even have a Mustang hotwheels car in my collection...