Great list.
I'd rather get run over by all of these cars (in a row) than drive a Mustake.
Good luck, Ford.
Good. Luck.
Hot damn! That was sure fun to watch.
American car makers, take notes: THIS is what a V8 should be used for.
I'm not one for a bunch of electronic babysitters... But Subaru causes increased circulation to my tingling nethers.
I always get a kick out of being tailgated by a Mustang in my Rabbit. They ride up my ass, flash their lights at me and honk. So I pull over, let them go by, and as soon as we get to some curvy bits, I end up riding their ass through every corner, flashing and honking.
Sure, they can beat me in a straight line, but if…
Oh, wouldn't you like to know, you little tease.
Sorry, I don't spend a lot of time looking at little boys, so I can't tell the difference between a 9 year old and a 7 year old.
Whatever gets you off, man.
My right foot feels a little heavy right now... am I having a stroke?
Guh... I can't even consider it a "game"
It's more like an activity. An activity that you do because you're too drunk to do operate power tools.
This is the most accurate portrayal of the actual import tuner scene I've ever found on the Internet.
Seriously... This is what they look like.
Oh, it totally is, bro.
Good to know that there's people on jalopnik that search for .gifs of 9 year old boys that look like they're sucking a dick.
You're a class act... pervert.
I've always loves this body kit... Too bad they had to go and do a damn fool thing like cut the roof off of it.
And it probably wouldn't have killed them to change out the Z interior with something a little more Ferrari-esque.
If it had a lid and a different interior, I would have voted "Nice Price".
If you say so, chief...
Awwww... Somebody thinks they can troll.
How cute.
I doubt it.
You wanted me to get my panties in just as tight of a knot as yours.
Problem is: I'm a VW guy, so I have nothing to prove.
Sure thing, dude.
Oh, sir. You are just a hoot and a half!