
What they don't tell you is that he was probably arrested and his property seized by the Chinese government, because his house was in the way of a chunk of state owned debris... And he touched it. So they'll probably kill him for good measure.

I just hate the mustang. I had really wanted one in my younger days, and drove a bunch of other cars in the meantime. Then I got a 65, it was a shitty car to drive, so I traded it to some fool for his 912e.
I'll stick with my VW's and my Porsche...

I think you're correct about it being a '70.

The Elio goes on sale next year for $6800.
107 mph, 84 mpg... I already reserved mine.

Probably... or Manteca. There's plenty of these shit cans there, too.

Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you were a Mustang enthusiast... Don't worry; there's plenty of room in this heap for the rest of them.

Maybe not, but it is exactly the overrated POS muscle car you expect it to be.

Thank you for proving my point.

  • sigh *
    Right when I thought my life couldn't get any worse... BOOM! Another fucking mustang...

Thank you.
You're the only person that responded to this without being a flagrant asshole.
My irritation is at the the people that insist on blaming Rodas, and they don't even know his name. While, yes, he was driving, he and Walker were both petrolheads, experienced drivers, and had a fast car. It's not like Walker was

You do realize that you're a terrible person, right? Two families are destroyed... But, fuck that one guy's family. He was driving. So instead of figuring out what actually happened, we'll just say he's a stupid asshole, and glorify a subpar actor who's movies we were making fun of three days ago.

Rodas and Walker were good friends, business partners, and experienced drivers. They were also fathers.

RIP Roger Rodas.

That dude is my new hero.
He was a hipster before that shit even happened the first time.

Man... You're a real piece of work.

NASCAR... Still boring as fuck to watch.

The "Mongoloid" concept originated with a now disputed typological method of racial classification. All the -oid racial terms (e.g. Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Negroid, etc.) are now often controversial in both technical and non-technical contexts.
According to Ward O. Conner, who wrote a book about John Langdon Down, since

Mongoloid, eh?
So you're both homophobic and racist.