170 lbs, 3% body fat.
170 lbs, 3% body fat.
Won't have to, because I'll probably be dead... Which beats the hell out of having to deal with stupid people.
So... just because you're too stupid to figure out how to buy a 20 year old car on craigslist, I'm a faggot? Did your parents have any children that lived?
Chevy V8.
Airbags are a buffer for stupid people and bad drivers.
Like I've told everybody else:
I don't like modern cars. They're horrible, bloated, plastic, automotive abortions.
And you're not the first idiot to tell me to get a model t. That's argumentum ad absurdom. I know it makes you feel clever, but it just makes me think…
Airbags are a buffer for stupid people and bad drivers.
Like I've told everybody else:
I don't like modern cars. They're horrible, bloated, plastic, automotive abortions.
And you're not the first idiot to tell me to get a model t. That's argumentum ad absurdom. I know it makes you feel clever, but it just makes me think…
Guh. The 348.
My friend's father has one in his collection... It's a pig of a car. However, the 1980 308gtb he's got is a magnificent little v8. If ever there was a Ferrari for me, that wold be it; good performance, good value for the money, timeless looks, and I can work on it myself... Still costs more to maintain…
Nothing kills a comment battle like typos.
I was thinking of 80's Porsche and Ferrari. I'm not a fan of most of what comes out of Stuttgart or Maranello these days.
That's right: I think more highly of 30+ year old Porsche 911 or Ferrari 328 than I do the new (or any) Corvette.
Yeah. wasn't
I hate autocorrect.
About 5 years ago, I got my first Scirocco. It was awesome.
I was quite pleased with how it handled, and took great delight in driving it briskly up and down my mountain roads. I was extremely adept in all weather.
Hmmm... it depends on how you look at it:
I just love having the three pedals and a wiggle stick. I feel lazy in an automatic.
Easier Answer: 928
Deal with what?
I dismissed you, run along now and play.
Yes, yes I am.
Any more ignorant bullshit you wanna spew out of that frothing cock-holster you call a mouth?
Whatever helps you sleep at night, bub.
Guh... Tough call.
Normally, I'd go with the Porsche, but it's an automatic...
The Ferrari is a Mondial...
It's not bias. It's observation.
I've driven Corvettes (all but the newest one) and I've always been underwhelmed. It may have good looks (well, up until 1967) and it may have been V8 power for the common man, but it's just not that great of a car.
For the money you spend on the new Corvette, you could get a mid level…
That's just argumentum ad absurdum.
All I'm saying is that the Corvette is, and never has been, a serious drivers car.
Really; for a mark that's been around for 60 year, it sure hasn't accomplished much... Except maybe act as a giant fiberglass penis extension for insecure middle age men, an accessory for a 27 year old…