I'd go with the Fuego. I'm a huge fan of cars from the 80's.
I'd go with the Fuego. I'm a huge fan of cars from the 80's.
It's held in with 6 bolts
Military aircraft is one of the things I loved about living in Tucson. Like clockwork, I'd get up at 7:30, and about the time I take my first sip of coffee, a squadron of A-10's rattle the windows of my apartment... It's a wonderful way to start the day.
Not a chance.
I didn't know that Spin Magazine was still a thing... Well, I guess that shows how much I care about the current music scene.
I'm not really a Furry, but I am a proponent of them and their artwork.
Keep her. My car only has a drivers seat, and she'd just be extra weight.
WOOT! I made the top 6!
I'm useless when I leave the tarmac. Can I have your magical driving powers?
Yes, yell the same thing louder... that'll get your point across.
I keep my chainsaw in the back of every car I drive.
That has to be the Manliest Title for a story in the history of Jalopnik!
So, you'd rather be one of the assholes I was talking about, that's cool.
That kind of attitude and indifference is what I'm talking about. Don't blame your bad driving habits on cyclists. You're piloting a 3000 lb chunk of metal that is capable of causing massive damage to anything or anyone it hits.
Oh man, I don't want Oregon to be anything like California... that's why I'm leaving this hell hole. I lived in Douglas county from the age of 11 to 17, I understand how Oregon works, and I wouldn't want to change it. I'm moving to Eugene; it's a lot like Santa Cruz, but it's affordable and not nearly as pretentious.
One of the contributing factors to me moving to Oregon.
You should spend a week driving around in Santa Cruz County.