
Way to plug your ears and yell there, guy.

It's like Stanley Kubrick designed a Rascal Scooter.

And the Beetle goes "Omnomnomnom"

Totally agree. A MiG 25 would look amazing in that livery... or did you mean the other way around?

I would love to build one of my own out of quality (re. not soviet) materials.

It's hella rad looking.


Got a soft spot in my heart for the Melkus RS1000.


As far as SUV's are concerned, I think you hit the nail squarely on the head.


The tsunami hypothesis is possible, but highly unlikely.


Yar! That the be the BMW from Back to the Future II.

I also think that cyclists are capable of being colossal idiots on the road. I'm an excellent driver and cyclist, and aside from the occasional hoon-dogging on desolate back roads, I always obey traffic laws. I'm a cautious and defensive motorist and cyclist... and I still almost get killed by inattentive morons on a

I love movie/tv cars.

Thank you.

This was originally my reply to someone else. But it turned out so good, I decided to re-post it:

As an avid motorist, motorcyclist, and regular cyclist; I can tell you that the most idiotic and dangerous people I see on the road are other motorists. Regardless of what I'm in or on, the majority of the ass-hattery I see is from people commuting to work, rubber-necking with their seat canted back, the stereo

Volkswagens latest betrayal.