TheD0k_2many toys 2little time

Why pay someone when another person will do it for free?

Its an Eclipse. At least the bumper and rear wing are. but they are easy to swap between the two

It looks like a common gun safe that someone built an elaborate wall around

naw they wouldnt cause my parents know how to stay in the correct lane when they are not passing

My Dad in college owned a 67 and 69 Camaro. My Mom had a mid 70s F150.

I can do that on my bike anytime i want. 

I mean my truck takes 60gal if i do both tanks

Id rather buy gas ( and diesel) than drive an soul-less appliance

It takes 5 mins to fill up? I wish

V8 Miata

one of my childhood games

Yea this summer once as the shop that works on my stuff finishes their drag car. 2011 block thats all stock and better valves and springs b/c of cams. Oh and a 80mm turbo. 1000whp is the plan. And that motor has already been thru at least 3 seasons on bracket racing N/A full bolt ons.

I think you mean 900+ WHP. They take quite a bit of power stock bottom end.

Now playing

This is cooler. And also manual and AWD still.

Or one Powerstroke could have done that by itself


ever been to gridlife? its that just at a couple Merican tracks