
Pay no attention to those comments, Mr. @avclub-f1cabca05a9a64dd5900cf947a6792ca:disqus.

'Coon' is played out?!

All Saturday dates are cancelled.

Oh Star Wars,

In the sequel, Die Hard Unfaithfully, Czar Cast Ichba's Turd dies with a smile on his bill while having an extramarital affair with Diane Lane. 

I stand corrected.  I wasn't familiar with the phrase (even though I just watched The Godfather on TV last week) and thought it looked like a terrible mixed metaphor, or perhaps just a Freudian slip.  The first part of my statement stands, though.

I guess "suicide blonde" has a double meaning here.

I liked the part of the review about "Alicia goes to the mattresses."  Oddly appropriate, although Alicia's preferred position seems to be up against the wall.

Dammit, now I can't stop laughing.

Well, they couldn't very well name the app after Little Richard, now could they?

Dozens of shots were fired, but none struck the car.

El Camino > orange Lamborghini

I'm going to sue these guys just because they keep showing up in the Newswire articles.

Straight from the whale vagina's mouth.


Night at the Museum 3: Now What?


Dammit!  I don't know whether to laugh or rub one out.

I've got SNORGTEES, and really see no reason to look any further.

That's what my pits would look like if I was talking face-to-face with Debra Messing.