The best ... is yet to come.
The best ... is yet to come.
Damn. You’re good.
He can build them, and the trucks will sell to a few companies that want to wave a big green flag, but they cannot compete with what already works, has incredible range and can refuel in 20 minutes. The physics of his truck don’t make sense unless trucks carry half the weight of cargo they can now. He can still sell…
Dude, don’t bogart. Puff-puff-pass. Puff-puff-pass. You gotta pass, dude.
The thing I find most funny about this picture is that they’re prop/replica guns, and some new outlets make them out to be real, usable pistols and imply that this makes him “armed”. What a hoot.
By all of the sentencing guidelines, she should have had a life sentence. She got off easy. She’ll roll for 8-9 years and if she keeps her head down she’ll get an early release.
These are all the very bad shows. The “coastal elites” appear to have pretty good taste.
The young ones (18-29) could totally control everything if they just voted, but no. Three out of ten ain’t cutting it, Zoomers.
No cheerios and shriveled french fries all over the back carpet, either. So ‘shopped.
The Buick Wildcat EV coupe is looking sooo scrumptious, fwiw. Hope that doesn’t get stuck in China. Actually, given the collapse of the Chinese economy, maybe this Buick minivan will come here, too.
Her district is less educated, very churchey and rural. QED
It’s up to her district - and soooo many of those folks sip the same Kool-Aid that she does. We are a state of contrast.
“... Boebert is quite simply a bad candidate and a bad person.”
The GOP also relied very heavily on the in-person vote, and then making that in-person vote on election day. They set themselves up for the scenario where a GOP-sympathetic voter could easily just decide not to vote for “convenience” reasons, or with the assumption that the result was baked in by Monday night. I don’t…
This is sooooo true.
Forget the grays - it was like everyone at every network and newspaper was sipping on GOP Kool-Aid. {eyeroll}
I read about this! I was so delighted. I just hope they keep it up... vote blue every time, in every election, from dogcatcher to coroner.
I’m not from there, but I have lots of family that live there. I am sooooo grateful for Evers’ win. Sometimes I think he’s the last piece of gaffer tape holding that state together.
It depends. The GOP’s incentive to produce better legislation is boosted the closer the split is to even. If something comes up that can peel off 4-5 GOP votes to join democrats, then it passes. I’m most worried about the debt ceiling votes... all kinds of shenanigans can expected when that comes around, since those…
1. A lot of people in Denver are from other parts of the country where it doesn’t snow.