This isn’t such a big deal. Li isn’t the only element we can use. Battery chemistries are being researched and updated all the time.
This isn’t such a big deal. Li isn’t the only element we can use. Battery chemistries are being researched and updated all the time.
I’ll never forgive them for killing ThinkGeek.
Could be. Maybe she’s just trying to stay in the minds of the socials? Dunno.
I find Jojo utterly exhausting.
Oh, gosh, you’re bringing back so many of my memories. Yes, the answer is yes. All the Handey Vibes.
I just find her and Elon sooo insufferable. The less I hear about them, the happier I am.
I’m not mad at her for admitting that she has a bit of disordered eating - I think it’s helpful for people to see and know that even the well-off and famous can talk about these things. What bugs me the most about Gwyneth is that she promotes and makes money off of quack nutritional lifestyles, overpriced & useless…
When I was considering the purchase of an SM, this guy’s name came up all the time in the rundowns of service history. He’s a legend, and this is somewhat depressing news, for me.
I want this car. There are a lot of comments here about the depreciation, but these things don’t depreciate that much, truth be told.
Anytime I hear someone plug Bartiromo as some kind of great news-person I cringe. She’s just another tabloid sensationalist who happens to sit at the business desk. That’s it.
For my part, I think that anything we can do to raise mental health care as health care, the better. If that means seeing a bunch of actors at the White House - then okely dokely.
I understand the sentiment, but I think your anger may be misplaced. Most of these judges get railroaded through during GOP senate majorities. I think that democrats in the senate do a much better and more fair job at reviewing GOP nominations than the GOP does. Personally, I don’t think it helps anyone for the…
You’re doing a great service to the nation, here. Thank you.
I’m sending you all of the calm I can stuff through the intertubes.
It amazes me how frequently these people fall victim to the “statement” tux. It’s a simple style of dress. The things that you do to personalize it are most tasteful when they are small and intimate - the flower you wear, your lapel pin, your waistcoat (die-cummerbunds-die), the cut of your trousers, your shoes, your…
So much this. You just know that boy is going to run as far and as fast as he can from his child and household support responsibilities.
Jezebel is not a progressive community.