It’d be a Bentley Continental.
It’d be a Bentley Continental.
I didn’t like 85% of the people I went to high school with, and there were only 50 in my class. None of my living HS friends want anything to do with the reunions.
Huh. Maybe it’s just me, but anytime I hear a guy say how much he loves his wife I’m about 95% sure he screwed something up bigtime in that relationship. It seems to me that loving one’s spouse isn’t something that you need to testify to - rather it’s something you demonstrate with action.
... which is exactly why it’s a good place to pull data from!
Just shoot straight down the middle and drink a litre. It’s the perfect amount.
I can’t stand the royals and I can’t stand Harry and Meghan either. They’re all so damned insufferable.
It’s not the people - it’s gerrymandering and exclusionary voting laws.
Take a page, my good man! Minced oaths are all the rage among the wild-eyed flapper set, pip pip!
I’m not super old, but I do love my Buicks. I wish they’d bring back the full size sedan.
Jiminy Christmas, fewer dealers is fine, just give me a full size sedan again!
Or mommy issues?
I fail to understand how it is that putative “conservatives” think that my fat liberal ass is going to get “triggered” by anything they do. It’s as if they believe that I woke up yesterday and forgot all about the last forty years. Everything they do - and I do mean everything - is the same old tired song and dance. On…
It’s Weld County, so while also horrific this is not surprising.
His bulb was never that bright to begin with, but yeah, he’s drain bamaged.
It’s come to the point where I’m just sad for him. I mean, I’m disappointed that he let himself be used like this - perhaps willingly, but used nevertheless. “Bless his heart.” is all I have in me. It would be one thing if he knew the game - like how he’s being used as a tool for his own oppression - he could know his…
Without the 4.0L it’s a utility vehicle that lacks “utility”, but is a fine car. I have the same vehicle, from the year before, in the same (well, close) configuration - mine is the 4.0L SE flavor. This is really the apex of the Chrysler jeeps, imho. Quality was very good at this time. What folks frequently miss is…
I got accused of being a Russian bot in the WaPo comments once, after I gave a list of reasons why I find Joe Biden so disappointing even though I voted for him and would do so again if he was the democratic party nominee. The threshold for calling out a “bot” is pretty low, I think.
Talk about burying the lede! ... now all I want to know is how freemasons get access to (and the ability to command!) demons, ‘cause that’s totally rad... awesome enough to get me enthused about wearing a silky apron and white gloves and marching around with little trowels & plummets. (I don’t know if real freemasons…