The Cruel Shoes

Eh, I think it’s because of the post civil war cultural narrative. We had a civil war and we didn’t split. It’s the union that endured, and we yankees have this inbuilt preference for navel gazing. We don’t have a cultural bedrock of hundreds of years of kings and global conquest to add color to the recounting of our

At the essence, I agree, but I don’t think they “hate” America. What they hate is what America has become - pluralistic, multi-racial, with enfranchised communities of women, gay people and diverse cultural and religious groups. What they “love” I think is the comfort or reassurance of white male privilege and

Mmmmm. The Cadillac of minivans, and a nice cloud to float on. I like your selections!

Oh, Ronnie. One rifle is enough to get your absurd point across, I think - certainly enough for a pedicure, anyway.

Aptera. Maybe next year?

The unemployment rate for zygotes is alarmingly high. Texas businesses need to stop discriminating against zygotes and fetuses when making hiring decisions. \s

I’m headed down there in a couple weeks, to Houston. I think I’m going to remove my “Tuck Frump” bumper sticker before I go, and replace it with a “Secession for Texas!” sticker.

I’m so sick of getting lectured by europeans, though, about how all we need to do is run trains everywhere. Granted, I love trains, but it just doesn’t work for most of the country where everything is so far apart and the right-of-ways have been car-dominated. I keep trying to explain it and it doesn’t sink in.

“... but I really like riding up high in my big truck. I can see everything!”

Hehe. My mom was a “systems analyst” back in the mid-60s - what we’d now call a “programmer” - and these cards were my coloring paper when I was a wee tyke. I had an inexhaustible supply! Good times.

Neutral: I have an evaporative cooler (not a swamp cooler - mine has a brick of corrugated paper medium for holding the water) and it keeps the house 20 degrees cooler than ambient. It’ll be 100 today, so I know I’ll be making use of that sweet sweet cool ventilation.

I’ll vote for whoever had a ‘d’ next to their name, ‘cause that’s how I roll, but I sure hop I don’t have to log another vote for grandpa.

You didn’t even mention the Buick! - Sad. :(

Yeah, this is a good one.

I am old, so the answer I have will probably not resonate with most people here, but my go-to roadtrip soundtrack is on Sirius - the “Siriusly Sinatra” channel. It’s not all Frank Sinatra - there are loads of other artists - but it is all music from the American Songbook. My drives are usually very long, and there are

I dunno, Jiro Dreams of Sushi made me pretty hungry, and I suppose maybe it doesn’t count because it’s a documentary? I do not understand why Like Water for Chocolate wasn’t in the list ... it was just soooo rich.

Tampopo and and Eat Drink Man Woman are probably my 2 favorite food movies, though, no question. The

Yeah, I think you’re hitting close to the mark.

Well, let’s be fair, here. He doesn’t bust a nut and then magically a baby springs into being. There are women involved, and they seem to be okay with no contraception. I’m sure they all believe that he’ll support his children and their homes, and it seems like he has. While I don’t think he’s some kind of superhuman

She repeats that tweet every time she cashes her checks.

Ever since the rise of The Orange One, I don’t dismiss candidates like Walker anymore.