DeSantis is the point.
Nope. She enabled the whole craptastic poopfest for years and suddenly discovered regrets. She’s still enamored with everyone she worked with, and all the “great things” The Orange One did. Yay for her speaking up! Yay! (smh)
My company is based in a country where 6mo paid maternity (& 3mo paternity) leave is the norm. We get that same benefit here in the US as a result. While I have no (nor do I want) children, I think it’s a very VERY good thing. It’s amazing for employee retention, too.
YES!! Long live Buick!
She’ll probably get 15 years, unfortunately.
Sure it does! Of course! \s
I am devastated.
Yes, this.
I drive a 2-door manual XJ, as luck would have it. GREAT car.
No dice. Like boy howdy not a spotty cube in sight... more like “run away from this”, I think.
I don’t live in her district, but this just seems like a Roger Stone-level example of flooding the zone with sh|t. I don’t believe it. I pretty much don’t care if she was a sex worker at some point, or if she’s had abortions per se. What I want to see is some kind of proof, and then maybe I might consider it (and perha…
It’s okay, Cheeto Jesus, you still have Barron.
This was my answer, too. Blew my mind as a kid.
Driven it many, many times. The zipper barrier in the center is a wonderful thing.
Wow. That’s breathtaking!
I’ve always wanted to take a narrowboat vacation.