When I was 16 (nearly 40 years ago), we took a drive between from my mom’s hometown in Mississippi to New Orleans. We crossed the Lake Pontchartrain bridge. It was so long and so amazing. I remember that transit very well. Blew my mind at the time.
When I was 16 (nearly 40 years ago), we took a drive between from my mom’s hometown in Mississippi to New Orleans. We crossed the Lake Pontchartrain bridge. It was so long and so amazing. I remember that transit very well. Blew my mind at the time.
What about Justice Ginny Thomas?
Aptera will get there first.
The pucker factor. Hoooboy. I’ll bet his hubs were smokin’ by the end.
What? No Dyson?
I call him “hotwheels”.
I think you may be right.
Honestly, guys... Musk isn’t a wizard, or even especially smart, and he’s showing this to us all the time.
Girls are awesome at screaming. I swear, it’s a thing worthy of practice in my neighborhood.
I have settled on a system that works very well. I almost always fly with a briefcase and a hard-sided “carryon” sized rollerbag. I check the rollerbag. I pack a smaller leather musette inside my briefcase, which holds my nintendo, a couple games, candy bar, a notepad & pens, spare batteries and my headphones... stuff…
Yeah, I knew the police version of the events was wrong from the start of it... they said they were in the school in less than 5 minutes after the guy entered. Yeah, right - that’s why he was able to shoot up the place for 45 minutes! Good luck getting a consent decree to investigate and make changes, though. Texas…
Matt’s a Texan - never forget it.
I miss tobacco-livery.
The Brit Milah would be difficult for him to accept, I think?
That’s the problem with Martingale Strategy... it magnifies losses most of the time.
... and yet I think that Fox is aware enough of its target demographic of 65+ that they salivate at the idea of some younger meat to throw to the jungvolk.
Yeah, I won’t miss him. I think I already forgot everything he did there.
Every guy looks better with a clean shave. You’ll look 10 years younger!
I have only taken one cruise - a transatlantic crossing from Southhampton to NYC on the Queen Mary 2 in late June. It was fantastic! Spacious ship fresh out of a refit in Hanover - with great food and wine. (Yeah, and you pay out the bazoo for all that wine and booze!) Buffet all-day if you didn’t want to dress for…