The Cruel Shoes

The Orange One’s USMCA instituted a 18% tariff on formula, too, which didn’t help, never mind that the strictures about reducing the number of competing products was swampy AF.

Nobody picked up on the new version and nobody made any maps for it. It looks great, though.

God I love facing worlds. I still play UT2K4, and it’s the first map to pop up in instant CTF. It’s simple and well-laid out.

I would like a way to organize my vault in the way I prefer. The sorts available don’t let me create sub-groups for different build-outs. Every time a new season rolls out, there is new focus on a specific weapon type or elemental, and having a back catalogue of stuff to pick from that takes advantage of whatever the

Ugh. I hope you’re wrong, but I get your point.

Some guy, I guess. I forget his real name.

He’s also a RWNJ. Yet one more reason to show him to the curb and point him to a park bench, where he sleeps, I guess. 

Norway has a very paternalistic view of alcohol consumption in all kinds of ways. Brewing your own beer only recently became legal, and you can’t buy booze in a market or store after 8 pm on weekdays or 6 pm on Saturday, and not on Sunday! Bars are a different story (2 am close in most of the country), but the

Holy cats! This really got under your skin, it seems. I didn’t get anything political out of it, though, so maybe you’re projecting?

Can we just stop even mentioning Cawthorn, now ... please?

He looks like an anemic Turkish Dracula.

Nope, the job of crafting legislation is given to the judiciary branch.

“But I have said no good people go into politics. Like who in the right mind would sign up for that.”

All for you, every one.

That’s too bad. I liked their concept, but I think that they, like Rivian, see the writing on the wall. You actually need to produce the cars in order to sustain funding and eventually make money. I hope Aptera doesn’t fall to the same mistake.

Pretty sure that either the cowl or the condenser box drain is clogged on my Buick. My AC smells a bit like a wet sweater for the first five minutes of use and then it goes away. I have a can of anti-fungal cleaner spray for the job, but to get to all the drains, I have to take out the glove box to reach the cabin air

Ease up on John Denver. His fuel tank switch (to change tanks) was positioned in an inaccessible place by the person that built it. That the plane was “experimental” has nothing to do with his demise. 

Yep. And plenty of Elsinore beer.

I want the blue ones.

Yeah, no. Credit card bills are not collectable from your survivors, for example.