The Cruel Shoes

I’m so quaking mad right now.

flame fanning” is spot-on.

All the videos are not available to me.

There she is! Lovely.

You laugh, but it will cure your jock itch.

My sister adopted my nephew. I was very proud of her and my brother-in-law for doing that. They’re both rabid republicans, but I give them credit for walking the talk they talk so well.

This was harsh, but I approve.

Huh. Monstre (n) is masculin.


Golly, this story makes me mad.

That’s the oldest, most Jalop joke, ever. I salute you.

Aw crap. This is teh suxx0r. I’ll miss ye, Raph. All the very best.

Is it wrong that I find them both to be insufferable?

There’s always a new leading man - always a new featured flavor every month.

Thank you. This account is in the grays because I had to create a new one when my other one stopped authenticating for a few months - I can’t link the two, unfortunately, even though I’ve been actively commenting here for more than a decade. Oh well, there are worse things in life and tomorrow remains unwritten.

Ooooh, I like you.

... like a faux-southwestern rainbow sherbet. Ugh.

For a moment, I thought the piece was about terrazzo flooring (which I adore for the creative options available) but it’s all about form and color? ... and I’m sympathetic to the assertions, frankly. Personally, I think it’s a re-acquisition of the “beige” period of the mid-90s mixed with some kind of mod-faux-southwes

I now keep an air compressor in one of my cars - no question, it’s terribly helpful. Used it on several occasions, and with air pressure sensors in all my tires I can see if I have one losing air at a concerning clip. I can pull over, add some pressure and get to a better place to inspect/fix. My only beef with these