
So it’s an origin story about an origin story. Awesome.

I will say I doubt this was their intentions, but that is some fantastic free advertising they’re getting off this

I have never met a game that has worse loading times than NBA 2K17. I do not exaggerate when I say I’ve experienced 11+ MINUTES to get into MyPlayer. That is, if it doesn’t take 10 minutes to get to the main menu

...did SAS just confirm the Delonte West rumor at 1:40?

You’d think though if he did start to figure out that Rey is the girl he stashed, he’d tell Snoke. Unless he’s pulling a Vader/Starkiller (Force Unleashed), which I kinda doubt. I think the second time I watched it in theaters I had the student theory in the back of my mind. I totally think she might have been

I agree with both theories slightly—agree she might be a student. Disagree on Ren stashing her though. He doesn’t seem to recognize her at all