
I mean, the team only took 41 scholarship players to their bowl game this year and finished 7-6. The team is suffering plenty for shit they had nothing to do with. The school also paid $60MM in fines and now all the alums who also had nothing to do with it have to deal with being known as "pedophile enablers." Also,

Read lawlover's response if you want a nuanced opinion on the legal aspect of her consent. Basically corroborates my take on the topic of Ruby's consent. At least we agree mental health is terribly underfunded and marginalized.

She sought out journalists to do this story on her own volition. She voluntarily engaged the author in numerous interviews and text/email exchanges. That's fairly obvious consent, at least to me as a layperson on the topic.

Steve's is my personal favorite. It's fantastic that they just opened a Center City location, too.

What part of Baltimore are you from? Dundalk? Canton?

Good try, Roger.

It's a special circumstance, I agree, but it's still a big risk for her to take in this case. Even if the second source sees it your way, it brings up the serious potential for her to be blacklisted throughout the organization and then with future sources in other leagues. Unfortunately for her, Jane McManus' name

Imagine what that woman is risking, though. She's probably had to work exponentially harder than her male counterparts in order to be granted this access. To then basically napalm those bridges would be a huge career risk. I agree it would make a much greater impact for her to take a stand, but someone like Mort or

Kinda cool to see the inter-division games. Week 14 seems to have the most and Week 16 has none.

Fairly positive the administration at Penn State handled the Sandusky scandal horribly and were a great example of a PR dumpster fire.

My god, there's a lot of inaccurate replies to this.

Here follow-up tweet is even better:

One of the better cities in the country as far as restaurants go. I have a theory that there really aren't bad restaurants in the Center City area - in Manhattan, you can get away with being crappy because there are just too many people that need to eat somewhere, whereas in Philly, if you're not a good restaurant,

No, UPenn is in an awful part of town in West Philly. 19103 is Rittenhouse/Logan Square. 19118 is Chestnut Hill, which is really a suburb that's still within the city limits. Center City with the borders Marek used is very nice. North and West Philly are terrible.