
Yo! Yo! Yo! Jet City represent!

The FFIX poster is pretty cool too!

If any FF fan didn't get the chills, I feel sorry for you. Such great stories, such great games. (I also love these posters, I tell you what)

You can 100% fuck off with this article. If you don't want to pay $600 for a flight/hotel, do not come to the wedding. It is that simple. We had many family members across the country who could not swing plane fare for our wedding, and although they were dearly missed we absolutely understood. I was very grateful and

So, here's the thing- an invite is just that, an invitation to attend. It's not a mandate and there's a reason why there's a "no" box on the RSVP. I had plenty of people decline for our wedding because it was too expensive to get there, or their budget was allocated to travel for a holiday a few weeks later. I have

Isn't the simple answer here to just not go to every wedding you're invited to? I've been invited to destination weddings/showers/parties and it is always really easy: Sorry "X" - I'd love to celebrate with you but I/we just can't afford to do that right now. I hope you have an amazing day - I can't wait to see

It's Magic. They were all going to die in the flooding tunnels, so Bev used Magic to save their lives.

The text on the website is so beautiful in it's poor translation.

I hated that scene. They win a fight against a primeval god, but, freak out walking around sewers... really? King has also said it's about Beverly taking control of her body, making the decision to have sex, and becoming an adult.

And the only function or special talent the girl has is her ability to have sex with all the boys to clear their minds and let them work out how to escape the tunnel. I love King, but man he sucks at writing women.

Only flirting, but considering what was revealed in the movie sequels, kind of creepy.

It's a lazy way out of making the kids grow up. What King was going for was that, in order to escape It's hideout, they had to let go of whatever innocence they had. How? By gangbanging their only female friend of course. Nothing says coming of age like a good gangbang.

Tell me there's someway I can read that scene without having to buy this book on Amazon

This scene, my god. You can never un-read it. Never. And the whole thing with Stan and the birds...

The sex scene - hell, it was a gangbang - in that caught me totes off guard.

after one movie with that in it? wow, tough crowd!

"My other pet peeve was a tendency to include massive amounts of rape, misogyny, racism, ableism, etc. in an attempt to shock in horror stories through a really obvious taboo that didn't actually serve a purpose in moving the story forward."

But I think that's really because we're socially conditioned to think it's weird and off-putting for a man to want to try to be sexy - because women are supposed to be the objects of desire, not men. It's the same as how we would find it weird for a man to wear a thong or strike a sexy pose (though those things seem

ellen page is so right. i love inventing my own movie montage while i'm running.

For sci-fi imagery in music, K-Pop does it best. I'm still partial to Big Bang's "Fantastic Baby" but this is damn fine too. Even the sugary sweet girl groups get in on it.