
Holla Pacific Northwest!

Where I'm from we call it "The Macklemore". Bet you can guess where I'm from.

I <3 my Olloclip. Got it for Christmas, and I can take amazing macro photos.

It's possible to kill something painlessly with very little training. To me, *morally* they is the same, and neither is bad, as long as they are painless.

For our usual MRA crowd that wants to bring up that killing him and his friends was wrong, I want to remind you that child brides often are forced into incredibly violent domestic situations, besides the rape. To the point that it's torture, and not just at the hands of the husband. Multiple perpetrators are involved.

Basic (n): someone with no personality. Nothing unusual or passionate about them. A contestant on The Bachelor (with rare exceptions).

They don't fall short because of their jobs, they fall short because of the predictability of their behaviors.

No, a "basic bitch" conforms to what they perceive to be socially normative among people whom they view as of an (attainable or mimicable) high status, or per the archetype of the social position they perceive themselves as occupying or aspire to occupy. To themselves, their behaviors are meant to represent some form

No, basic bitches don't work at Walmart. Basic bitches wouldn't be caught dead in a Walmart.

Yeah, for real. Why are we giving this idea currency? In its current usage in the mainstream, it's like a perfect distillation of "girls suck" pigeonholing. The way I've seen it used is a way for us to nurture our internalized sexism: it encourages misogynist posturing like "I'm not like those other, shitty women. I'm

I'm not even white, I'm native american, and I am goddamn tired of all these articles being shitty to white people. Who here wouldn't be horrified at seeing something like this targeted toward any minority? Beuller? Beuller? Because if you would be horrified seeing someone slam a native, or a black woman, or a chinese

I'm whispering this to myself over and over again in my cube. It must sound like I'm summoning something up in here.

I just repeated "rise up light" so many times to myself and chuckled and chuckled and chuckled. It does, indeed, sound like "razor blades." Thanks! :)

hahaha! Your bonus facts on pronunciation made my night! I grew up in Australia but have been in the US for a few years now and it made me chuckle :)
My real name is Agnieszka (very Polish), which translates to Agnes but doesn't sound at all similar.
Anna is Anna everywhere, so I'm cool with that. :)

Based on the quotes I'm reading, I honestly have to disagree. There is a non-practical component to their marketing strategy that is promoting the idea that there is a stigma to women who do carry condoms and that it's something we feel awkward and embarrassed about and need to hide:

Nope. I refuse to support any marketing campaign that simultaneously shames women for sexual things by telling them they need to hide their condoms while also feeding into the "let's just give them women something cute to put it in! that's what ladies want!"

Correction: Stadium High is in Tacoma which is really, really not Seattle. It's about a 45 minutes away in driving time and a world away culture-wise.

I'm laughing now at all the people who were defending his comments about race a mere week ago.

The residue left over from the Pledge will seep into the pages of the books at the bottom. Don't use anything on the shelves :( (I learned this working at an antique bookstore. The proprietor always used a simple microfiber cloth. If the shelves were gunky, a quick hot water and castille soap moistened cloth did the