very much so. i see it all the time and i flat out don't get it. some are more extreme.
very much so. i see it all the time and i flat out don't get it. some are more extreme.
I don't even... I can honestly say I've never seen that.
Ugh, that fan shape is the natural shape of my nails and I hate it. I go to great lengths (regular filing) to get rid of that.
You're kidding me, this is a thing?
She doesn't seem to be in a profession that would entail doing a lot of dishes or having to type a lot.
any one want to chime in about duck manicures? because i don't get the style and they seem like they'd break off easy :/
I am that person who will absolutely carry a thousand books up six flights of stairs. I don't believe in throwing away books.
OMG I remember that scene. I think thats a hare not a rabbit but who knows
Oh yeah there's a definite hint of these English guys are superior to American men especially on tumblr. Having lived in the UK, I'd like to reiterate that men are men and every country has its share of idiots. I haven't read the Hiddleston article on Mali but I did know about his UNICEF challenge and remember…
Tom Hiddleston is okay, but I think his privilege shows. The whole UNICEF "Eat Like Poor People" challenge and the way he wrote about his trip to Mali (I think that's it?) was gross. Even still, all of these desperate people (mostly women) will rip into anyone who suggests that their British angels is anything but the…
I'm not sure if people are aware, or willfully ignoring how classist and sexist he is. He says awful shit about poor people while insisting that he's "not that rich." He was a total ass to Johnny Lee Miller for doing Elementary. Here, have a whole post with direct quotes x
He's a total wanker. Cried about his privileged background restricting his rules while ignoring the fact that media/arts career in the UK are pretty much closed off to young people from working class backgrounds because they can't afford uni tuition fees (uni was free until the late 90's in England) or afford to take…
Wouldn't it be a better use of resources (governmental, not private) to address the persistent inequity in today's society, rather than right past wrongs? I say this as someone whose slave lineage is very well documented in Virginia and Georgia. My father has pictures of his great grandparents (I believe), born…
Vintage dresses. But instead of spending a little more money on good ones I'll buy ones that are just okay or don't fit me properly and then never wear them. I JUST WANT TO RESCUE THEM.
there is absolutely no reason to think she witnessed the murder
Body language of killers doc for you. There's people on there who the public thought were guilty because of the way they acted too. They were innocent.
Everyone is so self-centered when it comes to other people's reactions. "They must be guilty, because if that had happened to me, I would have reacted this way." People are stupid.
Your comment puts into words one of my greatest fears: that my expressionless kid will be suspected of a crime for no other reason than he doesn't behave the way people expect him to behave.